Chapter 14

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Hermione woke up early Christmas morning.  Their room had yet to feel comfortable filled with the silence of its lone occupant and Hermione knew that the books she had laid out on Ginny and Rebecca's beds had only been put there to fill in the emptiness.

If she had been at home, her mother would be sitting on their couch with her eyes half-opened until both Granger girls sat up straighter with the entrance of Hermione's dad.  Steaming mugs on a tray, Hermione would have the same hot chocolate she always did while her mother would make the same joke she always did about how he didn't like coffee so much as he liked cream and sugar.

Then, of course, Hermione's dad would quip back that he simply needed something as sweet as his wife on such a special day.

With a sigh, Hermione pulled on her robe and slippers as she filled with homesickness.  Harry would be downstairs already, she just knew it.  Pausing at the doorway from the dormitories to the stairs below, Hermione gathered as much positivity as she could.

It was the least she could do, really.  She was missing a happiness she couldn't help but wonder if Harry had even known.  Realising that, at that exact moment, Rebecca would most likely be having the very Christmas Hermione cherished, the smile on Hermione's face came freely.


"Wake up!"

Rebecca tumbled out of bed, her eyes wide and scrambling for her glasses.  Being woken up so loudly, so ferociously, was a startling start to Christmas morning.

"We have to open up presents before Aunt Muriel gets here!"  Ginny shouted once more, pulling her robe on and tearing down the hall towards the bathroom.

"You have an aunt?"  Rebecca asked Ron, walking down the hall with him.

"Yes."  Ron scowled.  "She's horrid."

"Got to get all of the happiness over with before she gets here."  George tacked on, tossing the tube of toothpaste into the air as he left the crowded bathroom.

Rebecca found that their excitement didn't fade in the slightest as she joined the parade of Weasleys down the stairs Christmas morning.  Molly and Arthur beamed up at the children entering, standing from their tea to kiss and wish each of them a happy Christmas.

"Happy Christmas!"  Molly kissed Rebecca's forehead, putting her arm around the girl's shoulders.  "Sleep well?"

Rebecca nodded, crossing her legs and sitting on the floor next to Fred and George as the living room was filled.  Arthur brought in plate after plate of the cookies that were left and the exchanging of gifts started fairly quickly.

Rebecca gave Ron the parcel Harry had asked her to and she hoped Harry wasn't cross about his gift.  She had bought him a broom maintenance kit long before the Firebolt fiasco.  Hopefully he wouldn't be cross at Hermione-

"There you go, for you."  Fred laid the gifts they had all been given first out and looked to Arthur and Molly, waiting to be given the go-ahead

"Well?  They're not apt to open themselves!"  Molly laughed, watching the range of movements from the children in front of them.  Ron and Bill, ever-alike, tore into their wrapped jumpers like animals.  Fred and George tossed theirs between them, the letters having been swapped.  Charlie had yet to put his on, though it sat on his lap.  He was watching how Rebecca had pulled her jumper on and then folded the paper she had opened so carefully, as if to reuse it.

Arthur shook his head discreetly before giving Charlie a nod.  He and Molly had put off tarnishing the holidays with such dark talk, but clearly their second-eldest would not let Rebecca's origins go unspoken about.

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