Chapter 25

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Breakfast was a happy affair.  Plate after plate disappeared between the lot of them, stress or exhaustion having built up a massive appetite for them all.  The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing in the common room, packing their trunks, and helping Hermione return the last of her library books.

Even with all of them helping--though they only let Rebecca carry a few of the smallest books--Every single one of them had things to carry.  Ron bid them a good trip and settled into his chair by the fire, never having been more thankful that Madam Pomfrey was out of instant Skele-grow and only had the slow-effect one.

"You are forbidden from checking out more than five books at a time next year."  Ginny groaned.

"This is a little absurd."  Rebecca tacked on.

Hermione smiled, admitting that she may have gone a little overboard.  "I've decided to go a little easier on myself next year.

Harry returned her smile, though it disappeared at Rebecca's next comment.

"Really?  I thought you had extra time this year."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, sensing a deeper message.  "'Extra?'"

Rebecca smirked.  "You heard me."

Fred pulled Rebecca into a side conversation while hermione and Harry were in shock at the fact that Rebecca, who hadn't even been told about their time-travelling adventure yet, had known about Hermione all along.

"Ready for supper?"  Fred asked, shifting his books to fit under his arm so he could take one more from Rebecca in case they were too heavy.  

"Fred, I can-"

"Announcing the House Cup winners and then officially giving us the Quidditch Cup!"  Fred grinned.  "And then we're done, another year finished."

"Probably good."  Rebecca said with a yawn.  "I'm ready to go home, you know?"

Fred nodded.  Of all the Weasleys returning to the Burrow, he might have known most of all how ready one could be to return home.

Madam Pince was relieved to see all of her precious books coming back at last.  

"Rebecca," Hermione directed.  "You have the A-books so you put yours down first.  Harry, you're the next batch.  George-thank you."

Rebecca knew they were walking slower than usual, but she wasn't sure if she was embarrassed that they were babying her or relieved because she was out of breath and tired by the time they got back to Ron in the common room.

"Plenty of time until dinner."  Harry announced vaguely, saying his meaning more specifically when Rebecca didn't seem to get it.  "If anyone were to want a rest, I mean."

"Guys, I'm-"  Hermione gave Rebecca such a hard stare Rebecca backtracked.  "I'm going to close my eyes for a little."

Hermione looked back down to the one book she had yet to finish before the year was officially over and turned the page triumphantly.  Rebecca tossed a pillow from the couch onto the floor in front of the ember-fueled fireplace.  Despite her previous reluctance towards the idea, Rebecca was asleep in minutes.

Her body was working in overdrive, rebuilding and refilling the magical stores within her that had been emptied.  Had the spell lasted a few seconds longer, there wouldn't have been any magic left in her body and Rebecca would have either died due to shock or awoken unable to perform even the simplest of spells.

The others relaxed idly above her, discussing the events of the past few days or enjoying the silence of the company of friends.  No one willingly discussed the fact that they would be going their separate ways the next day, not as long as they were able to avoid it.

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