Chapter 2

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"Happy birthday!"  Rebecca had been loitering about the front room, waiting for Harry to come.

She didn't know that it had taken him a little longer because he was afraid of ending up outside of where he meant to and no one knowing where he was, be he would also never have told her that.  "We just saw each other a few days ago."  Harry wheezed, a little shocked at such affection but returning it eagerly.

"I know, but it's still been a few days."  She stepped back sheepishly, straightening his shirt.  "Want a tea?  I made you a cup already."

She had been toiling for days over what she could give him, wanting to badly.  Eventually she decided on a mug that Arthur helped her with immensely as he had been experimenting with Muggle art as of late.  

Harry saw it and grinned.  It was lopsided, the 'H' on the front was crooked, the handle was as well.  And, most of all, it was perfect.  "I hope Hagrid's not about, another 'H' to claim this masterpiece."  Harry drank from it as Fred nudged Rebecca and raised an eyebrow.  

Rebecca had never felt insecure about someone's opinion, not in the way that she had when it came to that stupid cup.  Fred hadn't honestly thought she was serious when she confessed she wasn't sure it was good enough to give Harry and he'd made sure to tell her that it was the intent of a gift that mattered more than anything.

Rebecca rolled her eyes and laughed as Ron slid into the kitchen, shouting that Harry was here.  "Happy birthday!"  Ron shouted still, hugging Harry tightly before running to the broom closet to go outside.

"Not just yet."  Arthur said loudly, crossing his arms as if he were cross with them.  

Molly slapped his arm as she walked by, pulling Harry into a hug.  "Can't be running outside before we've even seen you!" 

Arthur grinned, hugging Harry next.  "Only pulling your leg."  Harry felt so at peace, so at-home, it was hard to remember that he hadn't actually gotten back to Hogwarts yet.  

But that was the Burrow, he thought.  

Home to all who would let it be.


Quidditch quickly gave way to meandering about in the house when it grew too hot to be outside any longer--When even the racing winds of broom flying couldn't fight away the heat.

Molly had whatever heaven was to be dinner cooking already and the house was filled with the smell of it, heavenly-so.  Arthur had Harry look at the VHS player he had gotten from work and been unable to get to work.

Rebecca had looked at it, of course, but she had no idea what could be wrong with it.  She hadn't ever seen one before and while she understood how the outlets worked, there were far too many cords in the back to make sense of.  Arthur hadn't let her feel badly a moment though, insisting that the Muggles must take a class on the intricacies of television.

Harry had it up and running in minutes, a film put it and the children spread about the room wherever they fit.

The day was passing far too quickly for Rebecca's liking, a day spent with near-everyone she loved shouldn't have been able to end so soon.

But dinner had to come at some point and although it was fantastic, it had its own twinge of sadness as all that was left for the summer was to shop the next day and go to bed.

"Come on, no sad faces!"  Arthur chided, waving his wand so the dishes were cleared and a bag appeared in front of each child.  "It's a special day!"

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