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  The action was soft, and in terms of the sensuality, it was barely there at all, really: those fingertips were once again pressed to Takashima Kouyou's injured and bruised and tormented skin, the defined and uniquely branded pads slowly seeking the midpoint of the somewhat colorful and most definitely damp, marked skin. The lean muscles involuntarily flexed and tensed under the contact, though it was far from disappointing or painful or abhorrent.


  Kouyou had managed to quietly breathe out the name of the raven whose fit and athletic frame was so closely pressed to his own slightly taller body with so much pure and kind desire and love evident that it stifled Kouyou, as he had never experienced such a thing before the time at hand. Kouyou felt the all too familiar despondency and unyielding sting of tears lining the edges of his beautiful eyes upon the sensation of a pair of sinfully shaped lips pressing to and sucking the flesh nestled just in the overly sensitive juncture of his shoulder and neck having registered somewhere in the recesses of his hazy mind. It was a thing of unexplored pleasantries, the lips of the detective, or anyone for that matter, moving across his pale skin in such a delicate manner so as to not bring any form of discomfort or shocked rejection.

  Yuu halted entirely in his attempt at condolence and highest form of caring comfort when his ever aware ears detected a faint and quieted noise which, for the most part when it came to Yuu's comfort, too closely resembled a muffled sob.

  "Kou," the detective began, tone bearing every possible and known sign of regret and apology and an utter state of distraught emotions. "Are you alright? I don't have to do anything- I know it's difficult. Please, don't cry, Kouyou, I'm sorry."

  There was a silence only to be filled by the sharp slap and trickle of water against tile and delayed noise as it caressed the two slick bodies, something that came off as a wrecker of the nerves to Yuu, then Kouyou's unstable voice that so graciously greeted the detective behind him.

  "No, it's just that... It felt so nice, to be kissed and touched like that, to have someone so close be so gentle and caring."

  Kouyou sighed quietly, his light breathing even and calm as Yuu's arms made their way to around his waist and Kouyou leaned against the body that could form such a gentle yet strong embrace. He closed his eyes, lips parted in a display of his current peaceful state. He wanted to remain in this fashion, shown such kindness and warmth from someone other than his family members.

  "Kou, can I tell you something?"

  The male nodded weakly, his breathing becoming labored as he tried to shake off the strong wave of physical and emotional exhaustion that had suddenly decided to surge through and claim his thoughts and body. "Yes..." Kouyou, in all honestly, couldn't exactly recall the last time he'd ever felt so safely near the brink of unconsciousness and welcomed the sweet state of dreams and fictional happiness; usually, he'd always close his eyes with the underlying fear that his captor would use the form of vulnerability to harass Kouyou even further, if possible.

  Yuu could only chuckle to himself. "You seem tired. I'll tell you tomorrow, or sometime soon. Come on, I'll help you dry off and get dressed."

  With that spoken, the words that made up and dictated the meaning of the sentences used in such an affectionate way, the detective carefully took the situation into his own responsible hands and leaned forward a bit, an arm outstretched under that of Kouyou's own in order to accomplish two things: to turn off the gentle stream of water and aid in the balancing of Kouyou. As soon as the tasks at hand, quite literally, were completed, Yuu and a more than sluggish and rightfully lethargic Kouyou stepped out of the shower, the latter male plucking the long white shirt from its place still atop the towel now set on the countertop and struggling only momentarily to slip it onto his slightly damp frame.

  Then, with such skillful fingers to be expected of someone who had encountered many variegated trials in life, Yuu quickly dressed in the clothes that he had chosen and designated for sleep and guided Kouyou to the main room in which the two beds were placed.

  "Yuu, I'm afraid of the dark. Will you sleep with me, please? I just need..."

  Kouyou settled down against the mattress, his back seeming to scream and protest against anything which was not qualified to substitute, what with the rough and unyielding texture, as a floor or wall. He simply lie there for a moment, heart thumping and beating quite wildly in his chest as if it were threatening to move from the cardiac notch in Kouyou's left lung when the lights were dimmed to nonexistence. However, an unstable, low breath of relief and utter jubilant emotion left his trembling lips as he felt Yuu's comforting body pressed to his back gingerly and with care so as to not aggravate the pained area.

  "Kouyou, I'm right here, so sleep well." Yuu moved to angle himself so that his lips could momentarily curl over and caress and press chaste kisses to Kouyou's exposed neck and ear. He then settled himself in a comfortable position, eyelids heavy from the newfound emotions that had been stirred within his own tightly guarded frame of mind, and whispered words of comfort and love to Kouyou until the two of them fell asleep.

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