waiting for you.

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I think to myself about beautiful trees, their leaves my favorite shade of green. Squirrels jump from branch to branch. Birds fly from their nests. I can't help but notice the bark is the same color as your lovely brown eyes. Maybe you will notice me again one day but for now I will just be waiting for you.

I wrote this one a while ago but never had a name for it so I just went with 'waiting for you'. This was written back when I was still in middle school and it was about a boy that I dated and we had to break up because of some stuff that happened but I still felt like I loved him. We ended up dating again but it ended soon after because he did the same things that made us end things to begin with. Just remember I wrote this in 7th grade so go easy on me, but what do you think of it? I hope it isn't too bad. Just let me know your thoughts please.

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