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as wooyoung and san started to head back to woos aunts house, San then began the remember. his dad. oh boy had he done fucked up. "wait woo fuck my dad, he wanted me home yesterday before he even left for work. I have to go like now" San spoke in a hushed and feared tone starting to run away from woo.

"ayee be safe and call me when you make it home, please!" woo yelled nearly screaming.

san bolted down the street his heart pounding in his chest, breath heavy, wind in his hair. the dizzy feeling of fear washing over him and his brain.

San had made his way to the house gently opening the door, panting, his heart beating in his ears. the first thing his eyes were met with was his dad who was sitting in the sofa surrounded by alcohol bottles. the man looked up at him and deathly stare in his face.

the man simply said nothing but stood up and charged towards him grabbing the small boy by his collar, throwing him into the house shutting and locking the door behind.

"what the fuck were you thinking! huh? you're silent now aren't you?" sans dad screamed so loud be was sure it was gonna break his ear drums. "I'm sorry,, forgot" san spoke in a quiet stuttered voice. his father scoffed "and that makes it okay to show up a day late? didn't I teacher you better to follow orders ?" the man screamed throwing the boy to the stair railing his body entirely smashing through the wood, a sharp gasp coming from his lips.

sans dad walked over to him picking him up but the hood of his sweatshirt. "and now you come home acting like a fucking pussy ? I can't believe you, honestly."the man degraded the smaller pushing him against the wall by his neck starting to strange him, pushing him up the wall.

San clawed at the males hands choked panicked sounds leaving his lips. but slowly yet.. he found himself giving up. was dying this way really that bad ? he was planning to do it himself anyways, what's the difference.

sans eyes slowly started to flutter as his body crashed to the ground, he slowly gained himself back finding himself running. his legs were just carrying him where ever they could, the adrenaline not allowing him to feel the horrible pain that was soon to hit him.

eventually he found himself at the roof top. the one we originally was at with wooyoung. he say down in the edge his body aching. he felt his pockets realizing he still had his phone on him.

was this really it ?

he pulled it out from his pocket messaging wooyoung.


wooyoung, I love you dearly but it's time to let me go, I'm sorry.

nearly instantly his message was opened followed by flooding calls and buzzes. he found himself sitting there in the moment, what was holding him back ? why wouldn't he just do it, was he really that weak ?

he slowly started to stand on the edge, wind rushing through his hair as he heard the yells of wooyoung behind him.

"San please stop!" woo paused loud cries leaving his lips "please stay , don't leave this earth" woo screams but then...

he only saw the body of his best friend slowly falling off the edge of the building despite his protests. all San could feel was a sense of relief, tears flood his eyes and flew back from his face and his body quickly fell towards the ground. the muffled screams of his best friend and the air nearly blowing up his ear drums till, things went black.

wooyoung fell to his knees at the top of the building, watching over the edge, screaming and crying, a nauseated feeling washing over him. his best friend was really gone.


soo finished it so many months late yeah !!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2021 ⏰

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