Chapter 5

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"You said read the contract more carefully."

"Yeah? And?"

"What if we go back to that place and try to get a hint on what to do?"

"Back? To London? Are you sure?"

"Yes! And we could search for your family!"

"You would do that for me?!"

"Sure, I invited you to come with me for a reason and now you're stuck with me.", I smiled.

In the following weeks we organized a trip to England, we indeed found his family, I called them and said I have important news and we agreed to meet one day later, but before he wanted to go to the place which changed his life.

"So, this is the beach?"


He grabbed my hand and walked towards the water.

"You think I can still breathe underwater?"

"Not sure but I'm here for you.", he looked at me and nodded, after a few seconds his tail appeared, he took a deep breath and smiled.

I could also breathe while holding his hand, we had dived deep down to a small cave.


"Yes. Let's look around."

We searched for any hints of his contract.

"Who did you do the contract with?"

"With what, it was like a pearl which showed me my future if I give up my life and find peace."

"Okay, where is it?"

"I have no idea. Maybe there?"
We had dived through a small tunnel.

"There it is! But look it's broken.", he worriedly said.

"Hello, remember me? I'm the small boy you turned into a fish 20 years ago."
It had a weak shimmer.

"Can you help me? I got my legs back, but I turn into a fish every time I get wet. I like those powers, but I can't take it for the rest of my life. What should I do?", it sparkled, and a few letters appeared 'when the moon has it's brightest time, the mating will fulfill your life'.

"Alright, that means what now?"

"How did you understand it when you were ten?"

"No idea."

We went back home and tried to figure out what it meant.

"Here take my phone and search for an answer."

"Your what?"

"Phone, you know. Take it and google."

"I don't get it."

"You know what a phone is right?"


"Where did you live? Oh, yeah, right...sorry. Here just type in what you are looking for and then click search."

"Okay, I'll try. What should I look for? The mating thing?"

"As you want, I check the moon thing then."

After a few minutes he shyly took a deep breath.

"I...I... found what it means."


"It means reproduce us."

"Okay, like, you know."

"Know what?"


"I'm not sure."

"You probably saw some fish or animals do it."

"Oh you mean the....OH!"

"I found out it means during full moon."

"That means we have to....?"

"I think so?"

"I....never did that..."

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know, as I said I have no idea what it means."

"If you trust me, I will show you." "I'll think about it.", he shyly smiled.

"The next full moon is tomorrow."

"Oh that's....close."

"Don't worry if you don't want to we can wait, we'll manage until then."


"We should sleep now, tomorrow will be very exciting."

As we went to bed, I felt how he nervously grabbed my shirt, this was a lot in the last few days, he needs a break after the next day. We went to his parents house the next day, it was rainy which made it difficult to get there without getting wet, but somehow, we managed, I rang the doorbell and he grabbed my hand.

"I'm scared."

"I'm here."

"Hello. You are the one who called?"


"It's better important."

"Well yes, ehm, I found someone you might like to see. Come here."

"Hello ma...", he said with a sorry look.

"'re alive! Are you really my son?!"

"I am, I'm sorry that I ran away...."

"Come here!", she said and hugged him tight, tears in her eyes, he hugged her back and started crying.

"Come in you two we need to celebrate! Mika is back everyone!"

All his siblings hugged him and were happy to have him back.

"I feel sick, can I use the bathroom? Was a bit too much for me."

"Sure, you know where it is, honey."

As he wanted to go out, he crashed into one of his sisters who spilled her drink all over him.
"Oh sorry."

"Shit! Andy! Out of my way I need to get OUT!", he yelled while running and fell over, lying in the hallway with his blue shiny fishtail.

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