Twisted Infatuations (Yandere!Izuku Midoriya x GN!Reader)

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You have such a pretty skull, he thinks. He fantasizes cracking it open. He wants to see for himself every little detail that has made you what you are. He wants to know what has been keeping you up at night with your lights on at one in the morning, why you haven't been leaving your house as often as you used to (not that he minded).

But above all, he wants to know what drove you away.

Where did it all go wrong?

You were both quirkless, but unlike him, you didn't care what Kacchan or those other kids said. You believed in Izuku, you never called him silly for his dreams, you supported him in every way you could. He used to follow you around like a lost puppy. Then he got his Quirk, he was a "late bloomer" he told you. You helped him in every way you could, but then ... but then he got into U.A. and you left for a public high school.

You were—no, you are his everything. If it weren't for you he would not have lived as long as he had. He couldn't even begin to imagine what those nights would have been without you holding him close and telling him you would miss him if he left. He loved your smell, your warmth. He loved it so much he ripped his own hair and cut his own skin so he could fall into your arms.

Eventually, Kacchan's abuse grew by tenfold, he was doing all the work by then so Izuku stopped with his own assault. But now he considers bringing old scars again. Would you welcome him into your embrace like you did those many years ago? Or would you ignore him?

Izuku sighs and opens his special diary. It is only one out of the twenty he has filled with notes of you. The words you use most, how you prefer to stir your coffee counter clockwise, the way you rub your nose when you're nervous.

One day, you it was like you just pulled away. You barely talked to him anymore, every time you passed each other you would nod in acknowledgment before coming up with an excuse why you couldn't hang out with him ("I have an appointment" is the most obvious lie, because Izuku knows your schedule.)

He knows you. He likes to think he knows you better than yourself. However, something is wrong, there has been a shift in the air around you.

It's a Saturday today, and every Saturday morning you would go grocery shopping at the farmer's market three blocks from your apartment. That has been your routine for as long as Izuku has known you able to perform errands. But today ... today you haven't left your apartment at all.

He sneaks inside your unit with lock picks, because after middle school graduation you changed the locks and his secret spare key is now useless.

Your room is a mess, he notes immediately. He has memorized the usual design of your apartment and your usual habits, but this place reflected the change he saw. Clothes everywhere, dishes unwashed, your beloved plants have started wilting.

There's a pang in his chest as he makes his way through your disaster-stricken room and decides enough is enough. He calls out for you. He needs to talk to you, if something is bothering you then he wants to be there as your shoulder to cry on.

He calls your name again. Then he hears the bathroom door creak open slightly. Knowing that you wouldn't leave it open if you were in the shower or on the toilet, he creeps closer. But then he smells it. Rust? No. Blood. He could hear his pulse pound in his ears.

He slams the door open, "[Name]!" There you are, kneeling down the cold rain of your shower, a carpet of blood on your pink tiles.

Izuku wastes no time. He yells your name and carries you into the balcony, summoning 30% of One for All.

You crane your neck and he sees them, those dark circles and unusual paleness. "Izu... ku ... ?" Even your voice sounds so weak. So exhausted.

"Hold on, okay? I'm going to ... I'm going to save you. It's okay. I'm here now!" He tries his best to sound brave, but the more he talks the more his voice cracks.

Cradling you tightly against his chest, he leaps off the balcony.


You wake up groggy. You blink until your eyes adjust to the harsh white light and you realize you're in a hospital, and Izuku has his head on your knees. Out of habit, you reach out to touch his hair. Still soft as always, you smile.

Suddenly, he jolts awake and snatches your fingers before you could react.

"Thank goodness!" He cries, and as he holds you with both hands you notice how he's grown in the past months. Oh. He must be attracting all sorts of attention.

"I'm okay." You mumble.

He frowns, but with his freckled face it's really more of a pout. "No. You are not okay, [Name]. You're so far from that and ... and I wish you told me ... "

"Can I?" You turn away, "Can I really rely on you?"

"Yes! Yes, of course, you can!" He squeezes your hand "It doesn't matter what time it is or if it's raining hail outside, I will go where you are to wipe away your tears. You're my best friend, I would do anything for you."

You sigh, "That's not fair. You don't get to say that, Izuku. You don't get to tell me I'm your best friend after everything."

"What everything? Please, I'm begging you. Talk to me. I'm here, I'll listen, so don't turn me away—"

"Are you my friend? Because ever since you got into U.A. all you've done is talk about ... how awesome the people there are, how you've made ... made new friends like that Uraraka girl!" You restrain yourself from using any harsher terminology. You try to choose your words carefully, "And she's all you talk about and I ... and I ..." The tears come on cue "I'm such an idiot. I can't even deal with this anymore. Please ... please leave. It was a mistake for you to save me. I don't want to be someone who holds you back, Izuku. I love you more than anybody ... but I'm selfish so before I say anything horrible to you, go back to U.A. where your girlfriend Uraraka is. All I ask is don't give me false hope in your devotion." You tug on your taken arm, but it only tightens Izuku's grip. There is another silence. Then he lets go of your hand.

"Just go, Izuku—" Next thing you know his lips are on yours. He smells like fabric softener and baby powder, but he's nothing like his old self. Where has he gone?

Where has your small, sweet, can't-do-shit-on-his-own Deku gone?

"Don't be jealous, [Name]." He pulls back but his face is close enough for you to feel his breath, "No one can ever compare to you."

"You're just saying that"

"I'm not" His expression is hard, "I ... I love you, [Name]. I have long before I met Kacchan or Uraraka or anybody else from U.A. They can only see so far, but you—you see everything, every scar, every flaw, but you love me anyway. And I love you. You're my best friend, my whole world. That Uraraka girl? She's background noise next to you."

You shake your head, "Stop"

He doesn't. "I love you. I love you and I will do anything for you."

"Stop. Please." You summon more tears, "Don't say you'll do anything for me unless you're willing to kill for my sake. You're no different from guys who tell girls they love them just to—"

He presses his lips on yours and you let yourself melt into it.

"Don't misinterpret me, [Name]" He growls so lowly he could put that idiot Bakugou to shame. You feel a spark run down your spine, you miss puppy Deku, but you don't mind this one either, "If it's for you, I'm willing to sacrifice everything. Being a hero means nothing to me if you're not by my side."

Oh. Yes. You can definitely get used to this Deku.

It's your turn to steal a kiss, and he finally snaps out of it. He burns a bright red and bows, offering a thousand apologies for being so aggressive.

Interesting. Things are going better than planned.

You smirk and push his chin up. You look into those beautiful eyes that hide more darkness than the moon, "Izuku, if you really love me ... will you get rid of the pests that tried to steal you away?"

He nods obediently as always. You smile, already thinking who would be the first to go.

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