Chapter 16

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Ayanokoji's Pov

On our walk to meet Horikita Alex and I had a very intense, to think he knows about my past and my father. He definitely should not know that, especially that my father plans to visit the school, how could he have possibly gotten that information? I can't come to a realistic way, perhaps I don't have all the necessary information I need to find that out yet.

He also treats me strangely, he acts like I am vastly superior to him for some reason, even if he know who I am and what I am capable of. As I see it, if we went to war against each other I don't think I would loss but it would be bloody and we would both take severe damage before I would win. Yet if you take the way he talks about that possibility to heart you would think I would completely annihilate him without a single scratch to show for it. I simply don't understand the way he treats and thinks about me, and when he said I could take on as many as they send for me he had a really eerie smile. It almost felt like it wasn't just his evaluation based on what he knows of my skills, if I had to compare it to anything I would faith, it wouldn't be surprising if his high opinion of me is fueled by faith. He has complete faith that no matter what that man tries I will come out the other side.

If he has full faith in me then why does he offer me help and interfere in the first place, wouldn't that just put him in more trouble? It is almost as if he has willingly given himself to me as a piece, but with restrictions, for instance you can only move it every 5 turns. All he asks in exchange is that I don't use him as a scapegoat or do anything to get him expelled.

He is powerful enough to be a King of his own set of pieces but he will let me use him as my own on occasion. If I were to pick a piece he could act as it couldn't be the queen since he is not completely on my side or loyal to me, if anything he is a horse, he act in a nonlinear many and is hard to pin down.

He will undoubtable make the most powerful horse in the game, that much power to bring to bare is something he is uniquely able to do. On the other hand it comes with a warning label, use sparingly and only when needed.

Practically he is a piece on loan who I don't have complete control over, if I am right he will come to be the difference between victory and oblivion in the future.

I should be thankful though; he is offering to take my burden from sensei so I can live the few remaining days of a truly peaceful life I have free from worry. I agree with his assessment of my father, if he desires before the end of the year the chairman of this school will be out of the picture, at least temporarily, and an unfriendly director will take his place. If they do send white room students next year to get me kicked out Alex is right, all hell will break out. Apparently that is what he is looking forward to that because he has lived his life before school in a state of complete order, is he maybe jumping from extreme to extreme and now looking forward to absolute chaos?

If someone can make in through the chaos and out the other side they will no doubt improve greatly and become a better version of themselves.

The idea of him and perhaps me as well, going through hell with the hope to come out the other side and become better people does make me a little excited. How much do I have left to grow, what will an even more improved version of Alex and my classmates look like? One of my reasons for coming here was to see what normal people can become, I truly do hope to see it.

Once we got to the lounge Horikita was waiting at we quickly found her, she looked extremely annoyed, probably because we were a few minutes late because of our conversation earlier. Once we arrived and sat down Horikita glared at me, hey it isn't my fault.

I hope she doesn't hurt me later.

"You two took your merry time to get here, I thought I asked you to be here by 5 minutes ago Ayanokoji-kun. Usually you get here on time, I am disappointed in you."

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