Chapter 1

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It was just a big black screen until a ringing sound pops up *RING* *RING* *RING* Maddie grunts and tries to turn off the alarm clock, she couldn't reach it since she felt lazy and wanted to have a 5-minute sleep.

As the last alarm shouts she got up and grabbed the cloak and threw it on the wall. (Apparently yes.. it broke) Nigel entered the room seeing the alarm clock broken
"Maddie for our sake stop breaking these clocks"

Nigel picked up the alarm clock and Maddie grunts "why not!??" Zoe comes out "you broke the alarm clocks 24 times and this day counts to 25," Zoe said. Nigel couldn't help but agree with Zoe "hey umm I think it's time for you know? School?" Maddie quickly got up "SCHOOL?! WE HAVE SCHOOL?" Maddie fixed herself, her face, her lashes, her teeth, her looks, her dress, and her hair.

Jackie takes a sip of her coffee "oh that's alright Maddie dear.. you're only 1-hour early till the school bell rings" frank also joined in "I know you'll only make the time faster if you panic you just have to blend it in.." frank said while reading the newspaper.

Nigel and Zoe are already ready and Maddie is the only one left. Maddie listens to frank while lacking her things in her bag "That's far than worse!" She replied while bringing her pencils and other stuff from her backpack.

Maddie looked at the mirror last time before leaving and quickly got to the bus. Nigel, Zoe, and Maddie sat on the back of the bus. Nigel was nervous "what's the matter scorpion?" Asked Zoe to Nigel, Nigel was hugging his red backpack tightly "oh... it's just that- I'm not sure if other of our classmates like me that well.."

Zoe pats his back "dude you look completely fine.." Nigel sighs "Thanks, Zoe. Hey, Maddie?" It was Maddie's turn to have an open conversation with Nigel. "Yes, Nigel?" Nigel fixed up his orange hair with a faded dark orange tip on his front. "So got any plans to do later? Me and zoe will be going to journalist class"

Maddie looked at her phone and puts it back in her bag. "No, I don't I'm just gonna do what I always do" Zoe checks her nails while talking to Maddie "Maddie you should clearly need to make some new schedules. I mean your daily schedule is rustier.." Maddie punches Zoe's shoulder (not that hard) "oh alright fine I'll be picking new things if we stopped there now.

The bus stops and the driver shouts "Aight kiddos this is the end of the line now." All of the students got off the bus and entered the school. Maddie, Zoe, and Nigel are of course three of them are in the same class.

--class rings--

The professor announces "alright students as before i teach you lectures we have a new class student coming here today.." the door opens as all of the students looked at the entrance door, as well as Maddie and the others.

"Some of you might know him and some of you might not.." a boy with white hair and blue sparkling eyes walks forward and stood in front of the classroom "so please introduce your name please?" He waved and looked at everyone "hello! My name is PB! And I am a famous koala from another country, my PB is a short name and my full name is pretty boy"

Nigel and Zoe whisper "have we met this guy?" Nigel asks but Zoe squints at the white-haired boy and answers back "I'm not sure.." Maddie thinks of herself "he looks.. quite familiar.. I couldn't even seem to remember it.." while class starts to whisper in conversation.

The professor let it slide "PB go sit next to that girl with the blue hair" PB sat next to her and so the lecture begins. Zoe and Nigel kept talking in a low whisper voice while Maddie is listening to the lecture. Pb was listening too until he felt so bored half a second.

He looked at the blue-haired girl and smiles "hi... I'm PB what's your name?" He whispers. She heard him and responded "I'm Maddie.. the blue snake.." "are you-" PB got cut off by Maddie "yes I can kill 100 people in 10 seconds.." PB laughed silently "no I didn't mean that."

"Are you okay?" Maddie began to look at him "huh?" Pb scratched his back "it's nothing it's just that- you feel so lonely?" "Nah I'm not really lonely I've got friends" she leans back at the chair showing 2 of her friends.

The dark purpled hair lent her hand to PB, she whispers "hi I'm Zoe.. nice to meet you." Nigel on the other just waved and whispers. "I'm Nigel.. nice to meet you too PB" "you three seem a lot more familiar.." Maddie and the other listened to him.

Maddie talks to him "oh you think so? Well- me, Zoe, and Nigel agree with you. You look familiar.." Nigel spoke, "have we met before?" Pb tries to remember but there wasn't anything he could remember.. "no... I don't"

A loud slam on the professor's table made all the students pay attention. "You four eyes here" Maddie and the others apologized "sorry pf." "Good.. as I was saying.." the lecture goes on and the bell rang, it's break time.

Pb sat in the cafeteria where there is no one sitting. He sat there and ate his food, he got interrupted until he noticed Maddie, Zoe, and Nigel sitting next to him.

Zoe          Nigel
Maddie      PB

Pb swallowed his food "what are you guys doing here?" Maddie responded loud "eating with you of course I mean- we have no place to sit but here" PB grunts "ughhhh fine.." Maddie ate her apple while she was biting it. Pb noticed her teeth which had sharp teeth on their sides.

Pb thought of himself (I know I shouldn't be doing this.. but she looks.. beauti-) Maddie noticed PB staring at her and PB stopped and coughed. "So what's the next class?" Zoe responds "Art class" PB took a slurp on his drink. "Oh."

"So what's up with Nigel? He looks shy but it looks fitting for him" Nigel smiled and ate his sandwich "Oh it's nothin really this is usually my style but- thanks for the compliment PB!" He laughs "no prob"

After school 4 of them were talking until an expensive car drives up. "This is my car you guys want to ride home?" Maddie, Zoe, and Nigel cheered. Nigel nods "sure please" PB lets them inside and picks them off to their location home.

Pb talks while the window of the car are open "you guys sure this is your house?" Maddie smiled "yeah! We three live here.. but we can still talk over the phone if you want I already gave you my phone number in your notebook," said Maddie.

Pb smirks "sly Maddie alright guess this is a goodbye then?" "Yeah.. goodbye pretty boy!" Pb wore his sunglasses "yeah goodbye Maddie, Zoe and Nigel see you three tomorrow!" The car moves and the three-wave a goodbye.

Nigel talks "well that was unpleasant," he said. Maddie pushes them both inside "come on let's go"

Maddie closes the door and Zoe calls out "hey Jackie we're home!" Jackie and Frankie greeted them both "oh hey!" Said frank "how was school?" Asked jack "it was great! Actually there was a new student who joined our class.." Nigel spoke, "I think his name was PB?" Zoe spoke too "PB as pretty boy"

"Huh it's quite unfortunate.. pretty boy seems familiar I'm not sure but I met him before.."

DISCONTINUEDpoisonous love//Maddie x Pretty Boy (Matty💙❤)(back to the out back)Where stories live. Discover now