Chapter 2

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--at night--

Pb sighed and lay down on his bed. He drank his milk and turns off the lights, realistic stars comes up and he falls asleep. A view of an image from before.. he could hear someone humming a lullaby...

Sleep, little one
Close your eyes
Your body's golden with the night
Let your worries slip away
Tomorrow is a brand new day

Shimmering noon
And satin sky
Soft wind breezes
Dreams are here to set you free
The dawn will bring you back to me

"Must seem nice.." PB said, a blue-haired girl looked back at him while he was laying down "it must be cool to remember your mom by.." PB looked at the stars. She asked, "you don't remember yours?" Pb denied "Nah.. she got hit by a car then after I was born.."

She felt bad "oh- i-i'm so sorry.." PB looked back at the blue-haired girl but her face is blurred "yeah me too.. and then.. a lot of times people started looking after me.. but I don't know... it was okay.."

She looked sad "to you maybe.. but not to me.." she said and PB sighed "Well.. don't take this the wrong way but you ARE extremely murderous," PB said looking at her. "Ahaha... What?" She said feeling flattered.

"I'm just sayin" PB said she frowned "You don't understand.. Chazz was the first one I saw when I was born. I thought that meant something... I thought he cared about me. But all he saw was another monster for his show.."

"but that's all in the past there's a new life waiting for us..our life we've only seen in our dreams.." they both looked at the view, PB yawned and stretched his back and lay down. "I'm starting to think you don't entirely suck" PB complimented.
"Dah thanks PB! Neither do you.."

She goes near him "are we becoming friends now?" Pb looked at her directly in the eye.
"Oh well we've been on a road trip, you've seen me go 3 weeks without much pity, seems like a cool next step.." Maddie giggled "A heh.." she lay down next to him and looked at the stars "ah look! Falling dandruff!" Pretty boy looked at the blue hair's eyes until he realized-



Pb woke up on his bed wide awake. He couldn't believe it.. that's why it was familiar.. that past was the time they escaped the jail and included him.

That was why... he got up and fixed himself up. He was ready to go to school, he entered the car and steps on it. Pb then enters the class "sorry that I'm late sir.."

The professor kept writing on the wall "that's alright PB" PB sat next to Maddie and whispers "psst.." Maddie heard PB "yeah?" "I think I remembered why you, Zoe, and Nigel looked familiar.."

Maddie looked confused "all alright then? Hoe did we meet in the past?" Pb frowned "you don't literally remember?" Maddie shook her head to no. "We all met before... when you guys tried to break out of prison," he said flatly while looking at the teacher.

"PB? Pretty boy? You're the koala that helped me to save them?" Pb smiled "yeah two fangs" he teased. Maddie remembered now. "Thanks for remembering PB" "don't thank me. Thank 'you' because if I hadn't met you in this school, you and the others and I couldn't know who you guys are and if I didn't come included on the escape I couldn't have known you well"

Maddie felt flustered "wow.. uhh you're welcome i- guess?" Pb chuckles "yeah let's keep payin' attention" they both looked at the professor while he is teaching, while Zoe and Nigel heard everything they said.

It was an art class and the teacher came up. She has dark skin, yellow eyes, and dark brown hair. "Alright, class today we're gonna pair up to 2 teams, once you pair up to 2 teams you both will have to think about your own idea and put it there alright?" "Yes, miss eve" the whole class paired up into 2 groups.

Maddie asked Zoe "what about you Zoe?" "Nah I already paired up with Nigel, you pair up with stinky fur" PB looked at her furious "hey! I'm not a stinky fur, thorny head" Zoe was angry "oh why you little-" Maddie got in the middle "okay okay! I'll pair up with PB, you guys just go there and we go over here."

Maddie asked him "so what do you think we should draw?" Pb thinks and gets an idea "did you remember the time you sang a lullaby and you let your friends fall asleep?" Maddie nods "yeah?" "Well did you remember what the skies looked like when you said falling dandruff and not meteor?"

Maddie then gets the idea "you're right! That's a brilliant idea PB!" Pretty boy traced using pencil, and Maddie paints it with dark blue faded to purple.

After the sky was painted they have to do is put some stars. Maddie used one thin paintbrush and another paintbrush, she then clicks it gently and so there were so many white stars. Pb helped and painted meteorites on the sky, and finished.

Maddie looked at the painting and dried it. "Look at what we made! We did it! All thanks of your idea PB" PB smiled "yeah and i can't help but remember that moment where you said dandruff on it" Maddie feeling so humiliated she smirked "stop it!! You're making me feel embarrassed, we haven't got to school when we escaped there.."

Pb couldn't help but just laugh. "Yeah, I know" PB looked at the drawing and looked directly at Maddie "I quite have noticed somethin' your hair is the same colour as from the canvas."

Maddie held her curly hair "oh yeah I didn't notice! I had this colour of the hair already when I was born.." PB gazed at her and brushed his right hand and adjusts the hair to move to the back of her ear. Pb mumbled "its' beautiful" Maddie then looked at him and PB wides his eyes and lets go of his hand.

"Ah errm- those are uh- beautiful hair of yours are so pretty.." Maddie and PB blushed. Maddie replied back to him "oh.. that's so nice of you PB! Why are you acting kinder?" Pb looked at his right distance appearing in Zoe and Nigel painting.

"Na-na you know I'm always the charming boy when it comes to my interviews, and I'm being so kind right now because I remembered who you are and what you really are meant to be. Just like the time we talked while your friends were asleep "that's all in the past there's a new life waiting for us" the sentence you've said"

Maddie smiled and continued on doing the rocks using black paint "you had such a good memory pretty boy!" She complimented. Pb yawned "well not really, I only dreamt about that while I was sleepin" they both had finally finished the touches and were ready to submit their works to miss eve.

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