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GROANING AT THE BEATING AND PAINFUL PRESSURE THAT SETTLED AROUND my head, I closed my eyes shut to avoid the dizziness that had slowly form as I sunk comfortably back into the solace of my pillow and sheets.

I didn't know what time it was, but by the many hushed voices coming from the kitchen, and with the smell of eggs and pancakes filling the room, I was sure it had to be close to noon.

Even so, I stayed put. not having the energy to get up right now. instead, I stayed bundled up in my bed. looking around for just a second to see Nicole and Jenni still fast asleep.

After another hour of simply resting and getting myself together, I typed my hair up in a messy bun. my head leaning against my pillow as I allowed my body to wake itself up a bit more as I thought on the plans for today.

Nicole and Jenni were still asleep, but I did notice Sammi's bed was also still empty. the memories of her and Ronnie's argument replaying in my head and I could only imagine what Ronnie got himself into last night.

Suddenly, someone plops themselves over top of me causing me to flinch as I took notice of who it was. though, that scent gave it away almost instantly.


" Hangover?" he asks, his breath tickling the back of my neck slightly. I pressed further against my pillow, ignoring the sudden feeling that swarmed around my stomach. I hummed softly.

Though It was nothing compared to the real deal, I still wasn't feeling up for it this morning.

Turning around on my back, I cleared my throat before speaking again. " What was all that commotion about earlier?" I asked, as his fingers caressed around my scalp. I couldn't help my smile to myself and lean into his touch.

" Sam came in and was asking about Ronnie last night, and so Mike was all like he was mad drunk, and just out of control. I just don't get why say anything if he knows how Sammi can get." he explains, and I shake my head in response.

"Yea, I just hope he doesn't hurt that girl anymore than he is. or at least hope she realizes she can just be single and do her own thing." I say, merely enjoying into his gentle caress.

I wasn't going to ask if Ronnie did do anything or not, I knew the boys had their share of secrets, just as much as the girls did. However, I couldn't help but feel bad for Sammi. it was so stupid of her to even dwell on what Ronnie was doing after the whole cab situation last night.

But hey, it wasn't my problem.

" I just feel like this is going to start even more drama in the long run " he says, and I nod in agreement.

After a few minutes of cuddling and goofing around with Pauly, I decided it was time to finally get up and get ready for the day. I was feeling much better now, and all I craved was a nice hot shower and definitely something to eat.

IT WAS IN THE AFTERNOON NOW AND THE GIRLS HAD decided to head out and find some clothes for clubbing later. minus Angelina, of course. plus, I was glad we were able to get Sammi to get out of the house with us as well, she needed it and she knew she did.

" Oh, there it is." I say, pointing across the street where a small shop was, Funky Sexy Couture written on the window. we all sighed in relief, glad we weren't lost.

The second we entered we immediately got to looking, the designs were unique and honestly interesting but I found myself liking them." Wait, are these for boobs?" Nicole asks hanging up a pair of hot sexy pink draws.

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