Black Widow Almost Got Me

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I turned and saw Ashley and her men. This is it, I am done for. 

"You are really causing a problem for me. just made your death a lot more painful." Ashley chuckled. 

"What do you want Ashley. What did I do?" I ask. I am in desperate need for some clarity. I have been running like a headless chicken confused as to what is really going on. I am not sure who these people are and why they want me dead. 

"They really did a number on you. That is very impressive Huh, you don't even remember. That is incredible. Well, I don't want you to die not knowing your killer's real name." Ashley walked around me studying me as she speaks. I am confused and scared. I feel like she knows me better than I do. It feels violating. Like she knows all my secrets. The ironic thing is I don't know them.  

She is wearing all black. Her long spindly legs are nimble. I am stuck in her web and she is slowly coming toward me. She is my death. She is a black widow. The most poisonous spider in the world. I feel as though she just pierced my skin and I will surely die.  

"My name is Mortia. I am your death." She whispered. I believed her.


A shot rang and I fell to the ground.  

Someone shot through the door. I threw myself to the ground to stop myself from being shot. I looked up and Mortia threw herself to the ground. I looked up to see someone on a motorcycle drive through the museum doors. They stop grab me put me on the back and drive away.  

"Who are you?" I ask. The weight of the recent events are weighing on me. 

"I am the person saving your life." The girl was laughing. She was laughing in this terrible situation. 

The motorcycle was being hit on one side by a big truck. The girl kept her balance. Then a whizzing sound went through the air and a butterfly knife went into the front wheel. The knife was keeping the air in but some was escaping because the knife was wiggling out. I felt my death coming. 

We took a sharp turn and the knife flew out and ricocheted landing into someone's leg. We were speeding down a narrow road when we tipped and were thrown off of the back. I landed hard and held on to the girl so she didn't hurt herself. She was groaning and coughing. She slowly peeled her helmet off and I was met with a striking beauty. Her shoulder length brunette hair was really messy. She had blood above her eyebrow and she was beautiful.  

"Dude. You ok. I hope so because we better get on the move." She said.  

"Where is the place where the sun doesn't shine?" I ask. 

"Shit. You don't remember. She is going to be so pissed. I think it is ironic. You are being hunted and you don't even know what for. They don't even know what they are hunting for though. It was supposed to wear off. I have to take you to her.'' The girl kept rambling and talking to herself. I was just confused. I heard a branch snap. She turned her head and looked hard. I looked too but saw nothing. 

"Does this women ever give up? Ok, here is what I need you to do. You know the name right. Tears of Pine. It will lead you to and a small little pub in Dublin, Ireland. Go there and say the guy's name but in Gaelic. Then say I am one of her thorns. They will take you need to go. Here is a fake passport and 100,000 dollars." She was explaining so fast and I was so confused. I heard yelling in the background. "Move out of the way!" She exclaimed. She pushed me when I looked up she had blood pouring from her abdomen. "Ahh. Get out of here!" She yelled. I don't know I got the strength to get up but the next thing I know, the girl was being picked up and thrown into a van and people were running around, while I was running around.  

I just hope whatever is going on gets better because so far it is just getting worse for me.

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