Respice per Oculos

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        I jumped up in shock. I look around I am in a beat up motel room in the middle of nowhere. I hoped I just had a crazy nightmare. I get up and hear a crunch. I stepped on my jacket. I picked it up and saw the letter in my pocket. I don't remember putting it there but things happened so fast I'm surprise I still have my jacket. I look on the back of the paper. I do not see anything. The envelope is in my jacket too. There is no return address but on the inner side of the envelope is small writing. It looks like it was put there in a rush. In blue letters it reads, "R...Respice per oculos 1828?" I struggled to translate. This is a time when google translate is useful. 

        I type it in. first I try Spanish, French, then Italian. Nothing I try Latin and boom it says, look through the eyes. I type that in google with the date. It leads me to a museum. It has a painting called Respice per oculos made by an anonymous person. It was made in 1828. The museum was in New York City. I'm in Chicago. I have my credit cards. I book the cheapest and earliest flight. I guess I'm going to New York. 

"Welcome to the fashion capitol of the world." A flight attendant says to me.  

"Thanks" I reply. 

        I quickly get my bags and leave the airport. I have my hood and face down. You never know. The lady could be just like Ashley. I hail a cab. Metropolitan Museum of Art. I walk to the reception desk. There is a woman there. 

"What can I do for you sir?" the lady says in weird cheery voice. Her auburn hair in a taught bun. Pulling her face back. Her eyebrows were drawn on in red and she has blue and white shadow on. She looked like a witch that is proud of her country. 

"Rocking the American flag!" I say with fake enthusiasm. "Can you tell me where the Respice per oculos is?" I ask politely. 

"Sure I'll direct you." Oh no I have to be with this lady. Suddenly she is pushed da little to the left with a big brown hand. 

"I'll direct him. You need to stay and help people with money problems and sell tickets." A man said. 

        The woman huffed but sat down anyway. The man started walking and I followed him. He turned down a long hallway filled with painting and pictures. Small sculptures here and there.  

"Look through the eyes, huh? The painting doesn't get much view and is not very famous. Not many people know the Latin translation for it. Here the name is in English. Any special reason for wanting to see It.?" The man asked. It was strange the way he said like he knew I was here to find something out. Ok, just be cool. Say you got a referral from a friend or something. 

"I was bored one day and was on the internet and saw an internet website called the mystery of the Respice per oculos. I read that you didn't know who it was made by and I recently got vacation off of work. I decided since I was in the area I would come check it out." I smoothly lied. Or so I thought because the next thing I know I was pushed into a corner. The man had his hand over my mouth and a finger to his lips. He pointed and I saw Ashley being escorted by the walking American Flag.  

        My heart beat spiked. Oh God she found me. I am so dead. When they passed I let out a breath of relief. "Who are you?" the man asked. Before I could reply he said, "Never mind we have to go. There is a longer way to get there." 

        Just like that he grabbed my hand and speeded walked down the way we just came. "Crowds. We have to reach the crowds. Crowds are safe. They would not dare expose themselves." He muttered. I was getting very confused. Who are these people?  

        Soon we were mixed in with a bunch of people. We took a sharp left and started down another hallway. A couple turns later we were behind a door. Ashley could be seen through the window. She looked angry. "Ugh. That little bastard got passed me. How did he? I will find him. And when I do he won't ask for mercy but beg for death!" she said through gritted teeth. I couldn't help thinking she was talking about me. I just hope she isn't.  

        She stalked out. We waited a couple minutes and he let me in. "Quickly! Find what you need and leave. We depend on you. I'll meet you where the sun doesn't shine." He said quickly before following after Ashley. 

"Where is that?" I yell after him but he was too far to hear me. Great. The one chance I have of figuring this out is gone. I turn and look at the painting. 

        It was beautiful. A woman was playing a satire on a chair. Her face was so sad. Orange and red were making her shine as music pages fell on fire. I felt like her only love is gone. This still did not make sense. It was a painting, a beautiful one, but a painting all the same. In the corner was a small PP. The plaque said Panis Pinus. It was the artist's name. I have never heard of him before. I searched up his name in google. It did not say anything about this guy. I typed his name in google translate and got "tears of pine". I was very confused.  

        Boom! A gun went off in the background. 

"Oh Shit." I said. I heard screaming and when I turned around Ashley and a whole bunch of other men were running towards me. Reacting quickly I turn and bolt for the door. There is a lock on it, so after closing I lock it. Ashley tries to open the door. I turn and run. I heard the braking of glass and a gin fire.  

"Oh fucking shit!" I exclaim and run like I am Usain Bolt. I ran the way I came. When I got to the main entrance, people were running for the doors and were on the ground. The doors were locker. With all of the power in my body, I rushed the door. Bam! I hit the ground. I really hurt my shoulder. The door did not even budge. 

"Well, well." I turned and looked "Looks like the cat finally caught the mouse" In front of me was Ashley and her men.

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