I'm Falling Appart

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I'm Falling Appart
Sumarry: Eren was sure he didn't deserve the love, but his burns so passionately for him. So when the war was over he never expected him to show up.
Rated M
Pairings: Ereri
PWP sorta I think.
Written for Captain Levi's Birthday
Merry Christmas everyone ❤️

*One Shot*
No One's POV
The war was over, Humanity had won. It was a heavy cost though, Eren had betrayed basically everyone he knew. Hated it that he couldn't kiss Levi at all. But that's what he had chosen.
A life forever solitude, Eren sighed as he shoveled some dirt and carefully planted the seeds. He'd lived longer than Armin, had lived there Dream he was outside of the walls with a built house and living by the ocean.
Peace had been achieved, he had also gotten his revenge. All the Titans were dead, and now he was free. Free from the shackles that humanity had tied him down too, and all he wanted to do was live out his remaining years alone in solitude for the crimes he had committed against humanity.
For thirty days he made his and Armins dream come to life. Despite no longer being able to shift into a Titan he still could heal, he had visions of all the former shifters he'd eaten and still saw sleuthing images of the future.
Eren had woken up plenty of nights in sweat crying out for all of those he had lost but he did not wallow in the pain but embraced it. All those deaths had led up to the finality.
He had no regrets.
Eren walked on the path he had made to the river and filled up his jugs for fresh water, and used the nap sack he had to catch fish for the food stash he had.
Heaving up the full barrels Eren strided up to his little cottage and listened as the birds chirped and the sun reached its peak.
Eren paused as he noticed that his door was slightly open. Grabbing his ODM swords Eren clenched it and carefully opened the door more.
Inhaling silently Eren strode forwards, someone was in his house and he wasn't sure if it was a threat or a friend.
"Hello, Shitty Brat," a familiar voice said.
Eren exhaled slumping and dropping his sword and staring at the man who he thought would never see again.
A man who he thought hated him.
"Captain Levi," Eren breathed his eyes wide and emotional.
Kneeling on the floor Eren closed his eyes.
"Mon amour," Eren heard Levi murmur and he groaned as familiar strong small hands ran through his hair.
"Why'd you leave?" Levi asked as he stood up from the makeshift bench, his grey eyes never leaving Eren's broken form.
"Meine Liebe, ich bin so, so müde." Eren sighed standing up and hugged Levi to him, letting tears fall and allowing the stronger man to hold him at his break down. He tried so hard not to regret anything he's done, Levi had taught him, and he tried. But with Mikasa and Armin dead, and the only ones left of his squad was Jean and Levi. Fuck he was so broken, all his pillars gone. Gone because of Titans, of humanity, because of him.
"Levi, Levi, Levi" Eren cried and nuzzled his former lovers body, taking deep breaths to try reign all his emotions in.
"Oh Mon amour,"Levi whispered and saw teal golden eyes have that dead broken expression. He couldn't stand it. "Let it all out, Mon Amour, I know why you did it." Levi said and kissed trembling lips.
"Eren Jaeger, peace is achieved, and it may hurt for the moment. But it's life, now stop fucking crying and fucking kiss me."

His eyes gazed into mine and when we kissed sparks and electricity flared out from where our lips met. Exactly like when we first kissed.
“Levi,” I moaned as he cupped my ass and my hands gripped his shoulders.
“Ready amour?” he asked with a thick accent that made me shudder.
“Of course,” I moan and run my hands along his abs, moaning as his hands shove my pants down.
As he trails kisses down my neck, to my chest, I writhe in pleasure and buck up, with a gasp as his lips enclose on my aching arousal. His grey eyes stare into my teal golden and he smirks as best as he could with my cock in his mouth. Bobbing his head up and down, fingers blindly opening the lube as his fingers prob between my ass cheeks.
“Levi!!” I cry as his fingers hit my prostate dead on, his chuckles on my dick make me quiver as orgasm comes really close. My head is shaking left and right as I clench his long black locks in my fists for leverage, thrusting into his warm cavern.
“Eren, Eren, are you ready?” he asks, and I sit up, trembling as he rubs lube on his cock and his gaze staring into mine.
“Levi, please, I need you!!” I cry out and straddle his waist, moaning as he slides his cock between my ass and crying out as I take  hold of his erection and direct it to my ass.
Levi moans as I slowly descend on his cock, my eyes screwed shut with pained pleasure. His hands run up my chest, tweaking my nipples making me gasp and clench on his member that's half in me.
“Wai, wait!” I gasp and Levi does, he’s supporting me as I kneel over him, half on his thick long dick and half off. The pain is a lot, and tears trickle out of my eyes. We haven't done this in ages, and I didn't want to rush it to much.
“Eren, you’re so tight, so fucking good,” Levi kisses my neck, his hands cupping my chin. “Relax babe, relax and let me give you unbelievable pleasure,” he whispers and I try. Desperate for his dick and the sex, but pains blocking the pleasure.
“Levi, oh Levi!!” I moan as he strokes my semi hard cock, bringing it to full hardness once more. His whispered words and gentle hands are like heaven and i dont notice he’s pushing me down more until he is fully in. my eyes wide and a gasping cry escapes my lips as I'm flush against his hips.
“Eren,” he groans and with very slow movements pulls out and thrusts back in.
Im crying out in pleasure as his thick rod slides in.
“Bounce on daddys cock,” he moans and i nod panting and pushing my hands to his pecs and lifting myself, our cries of passion mixing as he thrusts up.
I forget everything except for the unbelievable pleasure he brings me, his cock hitting my prostate, and when Levi flips us around, I wrap my legs around his waist. His grunts spur me, clenching my ass cheeks and never wanting this feeling to stop.
"Eren," he moans, and his hands clasp my leg and brings it onto his shoulder.
"Levi, please I wanna cum!!" I cry tears falling and my hips bucking.
"Fuck Eren, cry my name more, so good, so fucking good." Levi moans and we kiss his eyes filled with love and lust meet mine.
"Rivaillie!!!" I cry and cum, moaning ad Levi thrusts a few more times before filling me to the brim with cum. Panting I pull him flush against me and smile softly, running my hands down his muscular back and when his grey eyes meet mine I relax and flip him over and slowly rise to my knees and descending. His soft cock perking up and I moan.
"Levi, fuxk Leci, you feel so good, so fucking good, need more." I moan and Levi smiles.
"Call me by my real name Eren, scream it as you take the pleasure you need," he growls and wraps his hands on my waist.
Rolling my hips I moan and fling my head back as his dick thrusts up and cry more as our bodies move in sync.
"Rivaille, oh walls, right there!!" I cry and I laugh more as Levi bites my sensitive nape where he used to cut me out in my Titan form.
"Eren, that's it, take what you need fom me. I'm yours, you're mine," Levi murmmers.
Levi's POV
Watching Eren pleasure himself is the best thing ever, his cheeks flushed eyes rolling in pleasure and his small gasping moans music to my ears.
"Rivallie, please Rovaille I want you to fuck me," I watch as my heart cries out my name is tears falling as ensure rises and falls.
"Yeah?" I murmmer and stop thrusting, holding him to my body and feeling Eren twitch as he's sobbing in need. His nails rake down my back and he's clenching on my cock and I moan.
"Eren, sssshhh, it's okay. I've got you, I'm never leaving Mon Amour," I say and flip him over staring at his perfect ass in the air, his hole gaping and clenching at nothing.
Smirking I thrust my fingers into his ass, and he moans. Head pressing into the pillow and fuck he's so beautiful.
"Rivaillie I need you, fuck me until I forget," twisting his neck to face me I nod withdrawing my fingers and slam in. His body taking me all in and I moan, no matter how many times we fuck he's so tight.
Stroking his cock I feel him clench on me and a few more rubs he comes undone. Hot cum soaks my hands and mine fills his ass.
"Levi," Eren carefully turns to face me and his tender smile reminds me when i first met him. When I first saw him in the crowds when he Survey Corps left for Expedtions.
His smile.
"I'll never leave you, I've been so empty, without you." He murmured and closes his eyes. "I'm sorry, I left you, all those months ago," Eren said I sushi him with my fingers to his lips.
"You saved the fucking world Eren, wrong way to do it in my opinion but never the less."
We fall asleep, and when I wake up in the morning my mon amour is riding me once more his eyes staring at my face, and when I thrust up he cries out.
"I want to live my life with no more regrets, and grow old with you, and live my dream…. Our dream together." Eren moans.
"Forever," I agree.
~The End~
'Mon amour: my love in French, and
Meine Liebe, ich bin so, so müde.:  "My love I'm so, so tired." German phrase.
Both translated from Google translate, hopefully it's right. I don't know French or German.
Hope ye enjoyed!!!

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