Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

He hadn't wanted to do this, but he had no choice, he had to save Armin, and he had, taking him away as soon as Bertolt showed signs of pausing. Pushing his best friend over to the wall, Eren used his ODM gear and went on full attack mode, using the handy backward grip for one blade that his love had taught him. Grunting in anger, Eren swung his sharp twin swords and watched as Bertolt was shredded on his arms. Steam rising and if Eren were a regular human he'd be burnt to a crisp from the heat. He wasn't.

For a brief moment Eren wondered where Levi was, his Captain wasn't close, and it made him nervous, but they had to reclaim Wall Maria.

Using his gear Eren did a wide arch and with all his power he swung at the nape of Bertolts neck, screaming and landing on the falling corpse.

Bertolt appeared from the nape, face lined with red muscles, and eyes wide and sweating. The taller man swung a fist. Eren ducked and used all his strength to push the man away. Thrusting himself into an arch with the buildings helping, the Titan shifter thrust his swords into Bertolt.

The defeated Titan cried out in pain and steam slowly rose.

"Uh huh," Eren panted and pulled one sword out from his once comrade and friend and chopped his legs and arms off.

"How does payback feel?" Eren sneered.


Setting his injured friend down he waited, and saw Levi coming. They hugged when the man landed beside them, his cold grey eyes staring at Bertolt, then worrying slightly over an injured Armin.

"He's got steam burns, but I managed to get to him before Bertolt could kill him," Eren said, watching his Captain nod slowly.

Floch appeared with Erwin on his back, and Eren and Mikasa agreed that Erwin should take the serum. That despite them not wanting Armin injured, his was healable, Erwin's wasn't.... Not unless they administered the Titan spinal fluid.

"Let's do this," Hanji said and for once her voice was calm and serious, she helped Erwin out of his jacket, doing their best to not hurt their Commander.

Levi closed his eyes and hoped to gods that he wouldn't turn into a mindless Titan and attack them. He'd hate to kill his older brother and oldest friend.

"Everyone get onto the wall, I'll do it on the rooftop," Levi said.

Once Levi heard no ODM noise did he stab the needle in and injected the man who moaned and lightning began to crackle. Shoving Bertolt to the edge, Levi landed beside Eren and they watched as an ugly deformed Erwin Smith Titan form appeared, the mindless Titan saw Bertolt.

Bertolt was waking up, and quickly fear replaced his expression of calm until he saw his former comrades, he smiled slightly in relief and screamed for their help, calling Annie and Reiner's name before he was lifted up.

His screams of terror echoed in the silence until his body made a 'crunch' noise as Erwin ate him.

Instantly the Titan shifted back into human form and crumbled on the grass, a Titan carcass steaming below, Titan shifting patches of red muscles clung to his face.

"Erwin," Eren heard Levi breathe before his lover landed beside the tired form of Commander Erwin Smith.


Eren's eyes roamed the small cozy cafe and saw a trio of people talking to each other. Not really caring about some random people he strode up to the counter. He had disguised himself just like any other plain Joe out on the street with a baseball cap and sunglasses.

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