Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Eren took Levi and his old commanding officers to his house after he was reintroduced to Erwin and Hanji, he had saluted them and had apologised profoundly to Erwin for what he did. The tall Captain American man alike, had told Eren he understood. That it was a way to win freedom.

A thoughtful pause and Eren confessed he also owned that clothing brand.

Freedom Corporation

Later that night at a restaurant Eren said he had never died.

He'd been alive ever since the last day of the rumbling, and that night the most thing about remembering past lives was the fact that you even remembered how you died.

He'd been in the world Ymir had created, and had watched as all the Titans died as the Founder's body had crumpled. He'd also explained that as a gifted curse that Ymir had placed upon him was that he'd outlive everyone for an eternity. Basically, Eren was immortal and nothing he had ever done to see if it was true could kill him. In all essentials Eren was free. The laws of the world did not apply to him. But Eren had also said he had to wait until his original body had healed before he was allowed to come back. It had been at first over three months before Eren had healed up from a beheading and his body fixing itself from its shredded form.

Mikasa had been sobbing as she killed Eren, and even if he hadn't wanted to he had summoned titans to kill her as his form was being hacked to pieces.

Watching as Armin and Mikasa had died, eaten alive.

Levi had done nothing, both from shock at seeing Mikasa killing the person she cherished the most and his lover.

It had pained Levi, and he had been stuck, indecisive. Knew what to do in his mind, but Levi's body wouldn't move.

When he'd met up with Eren all those months later, as Levi had been searching for him, because after Eren had died all the Titans had died too. Leaving only Jean and me staring at each other. Titan carcass' and our comrades' corpses beneath us.

When I found that cabin and had decided to stay since the door had been opened.... I'd been pleasantly and shocked surprised to see Eren walk through. His eyes teal once more and hair just as long as it had been before he'd died. At first I thought I'd been hallucinating... but no Eren stood in that doorway.

Eren could no longer transform into a titan, but still had his healing and weapon summoning that he'd gotten from the Warhammer Titan. What happened at the cabin, happened, I hadn't seen Eren since.

"Why didn't you try to find us then?" Hanji asked.

"I've hated myself for a long time, and what would I say: "I'm Eren Jaeger, I committed Genocide on the world and killed basically almost everyone close to me?" Eren scoffed.

"I mean, why now then?" Levi also asked.

"It was a selfish reason. So as you know I've been alive since I was first born on March 31 835. And I was tired of living alone. Plus, I missed Levi the most."


I glanced at Eren who held a cup of tea and his eyes sad and tired, he almost looked like he did last time. Totally dead inside.

I didn't care, I hated that look on him, so with no other thought, I yanked Eren down and crashed my lips onto his. Holding him close as I tried to convey my love to him.

He moaned and pulled me as close as he could. I didn't care we were in public, Eren needed me and I needed him.

I had spent lifetimes looking for Eren with no success, and now I never wanted to let him go.

"We can go to my house," Eren said.

Nodding, I stood up with my friends and we left after we said a quick goodbye to my squad and Eren's chauffeur drove us to the richer sector.

The house had a grey brick exterior about four stories high with a big front yard that was fenced, a big mountain backyard with about 2 dozen lineups of cars and trucks, some motorcycles, and horses.

"Ya know, these buildings are built with rubble from the old Survey Corps Castle and brick stuff from Shiganshina. I've used the powers I have to conserve them, plus it's also a bit of modern stuff to help too." Eren said and Erwin marvelled it over as Hanji also exclaimed in shock.

Smiling at them Eren took us down a flight of stairs, and what shocked us was the photos from ages ago, all in photo frames with our names. The ones we had taken when Marley captives of Paradise Island and our once comrades stood proudly down the hall.

"Holy shit, it survived?" Hanji asked as she looked at herself and the others of the Survey Corps.

"Even this," Eren said and when he unlocked the door there on hooks were the 3D Manoeuvre Gear, the straps, and even the canisters and I was stoked.

"I've modified them as the years passed, but they all still function." Eren admitted. "Also all the horses are descendants of the ones we once had. Once I woke up from the healing trance after Mikasa chopped my head off I've been collecting. I also started up my own military and was in the military for quite some time. I've done a lot of things, but now I really want my family back, only if you guys will have me."

Eren had shifted into the Japanese way of prostrating themselves in a heartfelt apology.

"I forgave you the moment at the crossroads when you explained the plan," Erwin said calmly and made Eren stand.

"I knew you had something planned up, bra," Levi said calmly and held onto Eren's hand.

Hanji nodded. "What they said."

Smiling Eren showed them their rooms to sleep in and once it was time to sleep Eren and Levi laid in the same bed after so many years apart.

Eren's green-blue eyes stared into charcoal grey and they just stared at each other.

"I've missed you so much Eren. I've never seen you after all these years of being reincarnated and thought you died forever." Levi fessed and saw Eren smile sadly.

"I was scared of what would happen. Plus I've been helping the world" 

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