i just can't think that way

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Sometimes, I imagine myself in the future.

Going to prom, graduating, moving out, raising my own kid.

But as much as I try to convince myself,

I know I'll never be the same as almost everyone else.

There will always be more waves in my mind,

The rabbit hole just a foot away.

I can never go back to normal,

If I ever even was that way.

They say it'll get better,

And hey, maybe it will

But I'll never be able to reach that normal

That everyone else seems to.

Because inside it's still a mess

And a mess it will stay

If you weren't so focused on fixing me,

Maybe you'd realize it's meant to be that way.


Even when I'm able to leave behind depression and other more temporary things, if I ever will, I know I'll never have the high school musical life. I want to, because everyone around me paints it into such a pretty picture. The world is in desperate need of a more supportive environment for neurodivergents (among many other things). But beyond that, we need to learn to accept other people--as well as ourselves--for who they are without expecting them to change or be "fixed".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2021 ⏰

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