A new Happiness

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Logan was in a rush trying to deliver his dad package before dawn. He knew if he was to fail his dad again, his father would simply disown him and he would loose all his street cred. Trying to get to his destination as fast as possible logan speeds down the dark road, having worse case scenarios of what his father might do to him if he dosent get this done in time. Suddenly he sees a young girl trying to throw herself into the street, in front of his car but he quickly swerved his vehicle off to the side of the road before he could hit her. He took deep breaths hoping he didn't hit her. He carefully turned around and saw that she was still in the middle of the street curled up in a ball.

"shit" logan says under his uncontrollable breathing, and slides out of his car. he stared at the young girl who laid there deadly. he continued to walk over her way and fully get a good look of who she really was. Noticing it was the same girl he saw getting harassed earlier today, he shook his head, feeling what she just pulled was undeniably stupid. He saw her still breathing but he could tell that she was unconscious. Logan looked around to see if anyone else saw what just happened but no one was there but him and a out cold skyler.

Logan knew if he leaved her here, someone would probably actually try to kill her or take her away but in the same sentenced that what she wanted. She wanted to be dead and put out of her misery. He debated wether he should leave or stay. After battling with his unsympathetic mind he decides to at least have the audacity to get her off the street and put her in his car while he goes and takes care of his business and then handles her.

He grabs her body and carries her to the back seat of his car. He hops back in his front seat and begins driving off down the road. He kept on looking back in his mirror to see when she would wake up but he knows how bad she made an impact to that ground so it would be hours before she would come back to her senses.

Logan parked his car a block away from his dad trap house so no one would expect his arrival. His dad wanted him to sneak up on them and see what there up to when no supervision is there but he only had 3 and half hours left before His uncle comes and makes his rounds. The people at his father's trap house knows when his uncle is coming because he always shows up there exactly at 5:00 am. He then also had to drop off a new package for the drug dealers to process and make. Logan grabbed the package, and his weapon he keeps under his seat, and latched it on to his pants, under his shirt. he looked at the girl who still was unconscious and shut the door.

It took him 5 minutes to get there, but when he did, he was ready to get all of this shit over with. He dugged in his pocket and got a whole of his keys and unlocked the door. When he opened it he walked in on an empty living room. It smelled funny like something else was being made. He looked around as not one sound was made. he walked to the back,in the kitchen and saw two big pots being boiled. Logan instincts began to kick in and he immediately turned around to meet a gun right in front of his for head. Logan didn't jump or flinch at all as his hazel eyes stared at the man who was desiring to take his life away.

"Your daddy got you doing his dirty work huh little nigga?" the man said. Logan gave him a smirk and punched him right in his private and took out his gun and shot him 5 times. He watched the blood oooze out of his body and walked right passed him. He then walked upstairs and heard whispering in another room. He slowly opened the door and saw the people that worked for his father tied up and looking scared as ever.

"what the fuck is going on?" logan snapped as he untied them.

"They...they robbed your dad Logan, we ...we couldn't defend ourselves" a mexican guy says shaking rapidly.

"Yeah, They already took most of his money" a black girl with tored up braids pointed towards the two black safes that were open and empty.

"Who is they?" Logan asked. he saw there facial reaction changed and that signaled him to turn around. He saw three men standing there aiming there guns at him.

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