why i hate peter Parker

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Today, I'm going to be explaining why Peter Parker is the worst character in the MCU

The First Reason


He seems to have no mind of his own. He's so easily influenced by those around him which makes me SO MAD! I swear that a lot of the things that happened in, not only the spider-man movies, but in the MCU in general wouldn't have happened if Peter just took the time to think about his actions!

When he's in the bar with Mysterio, for example, you would think that Peter would he smart enough to do a background check on Beck before just handing over glasses that control drones that have the potentiAL TO DESTROY THE FRICKIN WORLD. But NOOOOOO. He hands them over because he thinks that that's what Tony would want! Is it too much to ask to see some of Peter's brain for once?! I GUESS SO!

Onto My Second Point


Am I the only one that thinks that Peter referencing movies every two seconds gets a little excessive? Like, I get that he's a nerd, but he's just really bad at reading the tone of whatever situation he's in.

Peter really needs to just cut down on the references. They're distracting to his teammates and only used to make Peter relatable to the audience. This just goes to show that Marvel doesn't think that Peter is a relatable character and needs to make him overly stupid in order to be relatable.

The Third and FINAL Reason


He doesn't seem to have any connection to his past at all like the rest of the characters in the MCU. Yes I KNOW that he has that little moment of sadness in Civil War, but he doesn't seem to have any connection to his past after that.

For example, in Far From Home when Happy was dating May. I would've expected some kind of angered reaction because of the literal replacement of Uncle Ben, but instead he was just like "okay cool. I have a date 🤟". I think that the lack of consistency with his past is so annoying about this character.

I mean, it wouldn't affect me as much if SOMEONE ELSE had the same disconnection from their past as Peter, but everyone else seems to be very impacted by their past.

Further more, Peter doesn't even seem to be saving people for the reason stated in the comics! He only seems to care about attention from Tony Stark and to be recruited into the Avengers.

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