why i hate... tony stark

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Iron Man is one of the most celebrated Avengers around. Who better to embody this classic Marvel superhero than Robert Downey Jr., one of the wittiest and most talented actors in Hollywood. From book signings and press conferences at Comic-Con to interviews, he has an incredible presence both onscreen and off.

As Tony Stark/Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. makes audiences feel an array of emotions throughout each two-hour movie that he appears in. They cheer him on, laugh with him, sympathize with him, completely adore him, and are even occasionally completely disgusted by him.

To an extent, he's the most relatable superhero around-- he's emotionally flawed, impulsive, and constantly debates what's right and wrong.

However, there's no overlooking the number of shady things that he's done in the past, before and after taking the role as the world's protector.

From business practices and casualties caused by his company's technology to his treatment of women, close allies, and the only person he really loves, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark's made some awful decisions to satisfy his own agenda (and ego)

Here are the 15 Reasons Iron Man Is The Worst Member Of The Avengers.

Avengers Age of Ultron
At the beginning of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers stop Wolfgang Von Strucker from experimenting on human subjects and retrieve Loki's scepter from him.

Shortly after, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner further study a gem inside it and use its artificial intelligence to finish their design of "Ultron," a global defense program created by Stark.

While Stark and Banner seemingly had good intensions when creating Ultron, they still created it unbeknownst to the rest of the Avengers.

They recklessly tampered with the scepter's power despite having limited knowledge on it (they studied it for only three days).

Even after Ultron goes on his rampage to destroy the entire human race, Stark is unapologetic when confronted by Thor and other fellow Avengers about his mistake.

That's narcissism at its worst.


Tom Holland as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War
In recent MCU installments, Tony Stark has taken Peter Parker under his wing. Parker is introduced in Captain America: Civil War when Stark recruits him to fight against the Avenger renegades led by Captain America.

While the combat ends with Stark's side winning, Parker still receives a few blows from the opposing Avengers.

After this conflict, Stark's influence on the impressionable Parker leads the teenager to continue crime-fighting on his own. This is partly because Stark completely dismisses Parker after the events of Civil War, telling him to return to his studies.

However, for Parker, having Stark ignore his call for a father figure is extremely cruel, especially when it was Stark who gave him his first taste of a major battle and dons him the high-tech Spider-Man suit.

Iron Man and Captain America in The Avengers
In Iron Man, Stark goes from being a chauvinistic, self-absorbed bachelor to saving the city from impending danger and criminal masterminds.

The change seems heartfelt... but then the other MCU movies roll around.

In Captain America: Civil War, Stark criticizes Steve Rogers/Captain America for his thought-process regarding "The Sokovia Accords," a government accords imposed on the Avengers.

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