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I do have work, depending on days I might not get stuff out, but ya know, yay. And with Spider-Man out it's been crazy, so please, be kinda to the employees at the movies, don't spoil the movie for them, it's hard to not get spoiled. I almost got spoiled but the end credits Scene today. It's fun really.
Also, be really kind to concessions, there trying their best, and following the rules, this all new to a lot of people for a rush like Spider-Man.

This is really saying a lot, don't yell at them, they are trying really, and tell them off.

If they say they can't do something then let it slide, Covid is a really big part in all of this.

And with Spider-Man out most movies haven't seen this much of a rich since EndGame.

So be kind to the employees and be kind to your peers and DO NOT SPOIL NO FROM HOME! Thank you, and enjoy the Spider-Man movie and movie theaters.

- Author, 2021

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