A flower for one, and death for another

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Okay, I have so meany drafts it's not even funny, but here ya go, 2024 here we are hope you enjoy ❤️
Trigger warning: mentions of blood, throw up, sugery, death. Major character death.

Peter watched as Harry walked off with Gwen Stacy, he felt heart broken, but he knew it could never be them. He felt something in the back of his throat, coughing he spat out a petal, it was a soft red with small little prickles on it, blood stained the edges of the petal. Peter was mortified by this, he heard of this disease, but never thought is was real, heck, he thought it was just in Japan, not here in the United States, In New York.
      He raced to the bathroom and locked the door, he quickly pulled out his phone and stared to type.
  Why am I coughing up flower petals?


One result found: Hanahaki Disease
      Hanahaki Disease- unrequited or one sided love of one person, the victim will start to throw up flower petals from a plant that is in their lungs, it will cause major health risks if not resolved. Most cases lead to death.
   It's Mostly rare, but some cases of Hanahaki Disease was found in Japan and some part of Korea. They have found if the person the victim loves returns that feeling the plant will go back down or die, another option is to surgically remove the plant for the victim's lungs, but a huge side effect of that is, the person they once loved will be forgotten forever and they will never love that person again. Some cases the victim has even lost how to love as a whole.

Peter started to freak out, what was he supposed to do, his crush would never say that he loved Peter back, heck, Harry even said that they can't be together when Peter confessed to him. He didn't know what to do, the brown haired boy started to cough again, blood and Flower petals stained his hand and the tile floor, he needed to get out of school, out of the building.
          "Auntie Nat!" He coughed out, he X-outed the search app he was on and went to his phone, he coughed more as he pushed the call button on his aunt.
            "Hey little Spider." A smooth voice said, but before Peter could get a word out he threw up petals and blood, he stared to choke a bit, Natasha seemed to understand and worried so she said she would be there in a few minutes, "it's okay little spider everything is going to be okay." She said to him, he caught his breath for a second, then the line went dead, he looked at his phone but the bathroom window opened, Natasha stood there in front of him in her car suit. "Hey hey..." she hugged him, she looked into the toilet bowl to see the mess of blood and flower petals. "Come on, let's get you to Bruce."

        "Umm..." Bruce looked over the X-ray, "I've never seen anything like this before, it's odd." He said to Peter and Natasha, "when did you start to experience this Peter?" He looked up to meet the sad brown eyes.
          "The petals, blood, or the coughing?" The two looked at him, he sighed, "the coughing came up right after... my crush rejected me. The blood and flower petals just this morning after lunch." Bruce nodded and placed the X-ray on the light.
             "It seemed the flower has grown twice its size it should be in this stage of the infection." He said pointing to the big flower shadow in the film paper. "I might have to call some people in Japan who are experts on Hanahaki..." he looked up at him. "We have to tell your dad Peter."
                "Dad can't know about this. He'll freak out!"
                "Yet if you don't tell him and you lose the feeling to love again he'll be heart broken." Nat said to Peter. The brown haired boy looked down, tears in his eyes, "and if you die Peter... I think Tony won't be able to handle that."
                 "I-I just don't want him to hurt him.. I don't want Bucky or Steve to hurt him." Nat pushed some hair out of Peter's eyes.
                "I know, but you need more then just me and Bruce." Peter nodded, Bruce rubbed his back and left, Nat hugged the boy as he cried his heart out.

Spider-son, Irondad, One-shots book IIWhere stories live. Discover now