who's that?

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" ouch bro wtf are you blind or something ? " Boun say because someone just push him and now all of his school paper is flying everywhere

" Oh sorry darling , here i will help you "

The one who push him help him . Boun doesn't know and doesn't care who tf that boy , what he cares now is about his freaking school paper.

They both finish taking all of the paper.

" I'm sorry again , bye i need to go "
And then the stranger go

"How rude is that , not even bother to ask my name? Tsk... "Boun say not satisfied  .

"Whatever i need to go to class now or my teacher will freaking kill me "

Boun run as fast as he can .

*Arrive at the class*

" Boun! You're late again! Clean the toilet after class !" Mrs Tamia say.

" B-but- "

"No but! Go sit on your chair ! "

Boun couldn't say anything if he Did Mrs Tamia might also tell him to clean the whole classroom .

" If it's not because of that stupid stranger..i don't have to do the shit urgh.. "

*Kringgggg  the rest bell rang

Everyone go to the Canteen except boun. Boun have a friends name ohm , ohm was about to go to canteen but then he saw boun still sitting on his chair .

Ohm : why aren't you going to canteen? You're not hungry?

Boun : You can go first , i don't need to meet someone at the canteen like you , i don't have a boyfriend hahahaha

Ohm : well fluke want to introduce us to someone


Ohm : if i know i will probably tell you bitch now let's go

Boun : geez okay

*They both go to canteen And go to fluke*

Ohm : Hey darling

Fluke : oh you still remember me? I thought you already fucking forgot about me *pout*

Ohm bend down to touch fluke's cheeks and say " I'm sorry darling... stupid friends of mine make a lil problem and i had to drag him here...I'm sorry okay my prince ? " While holding fluke hands and then gently kiss it .

Fluke blush hard , " you lucky bitch ! Okay fine !! "

Ohm laugh and sit down . Boun on the other side put on a disgusted face .

He got use to this already because ohm will flirt with fluke Everytime he got a chance .

Boun : what the fuck dude...I'm still here .

Ohm : oh sorry 'bout that hahaha oh baby where's the boy you want us to meet?

Fluke : oh he will be here just wait a bit..oh there he is!! (Says fluke pointing someone)

Boun look at the boy and he don't know but why does that boy look so familiar..." I think i have saw this boy....oh!! He's that bitch !! " Boun say in his mind

That boy sit beside boun . Fluke look at him and was about to say introduce him but boun suddenly say " BRO!! YOU'RE THAT ASSHOLE THIS MORNING!!! BECAUSE OF YOU I HAVE TO CLEAN THE TOILET !!! " boun was about to punch him but ohm stop him by holding his hand .

That boy stand up and go to boun . He make his face closer to boun and hold his waist , he whisper to boun " I'm sorry love , but that's not my problem " and then he tell fluke something and go .

Boun watch that boy go and ask fluke " what's his name? "

Fluke say " I'm not gonna tell you , you go to him and apologize then ask his name . "

Boun was like damn!!! This is gonna be so hard......

𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒚♡︎ (𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎)Where stories live. Discover now