5 week deal

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It's weekend and boun decide to ask fluke Prem numbers . He wants to apologize for what he did so he decide to ask fluke for Prem number.

Boun : Hey fluke so.... I'm sorry about my behavior pls give me that boy number so i can apologize please

Fluke : no. Find it yourself.


Fluke : Fine! Omg don't scream you idiot

Boun : tq fluke , you're so cute no wonder dean love you so much

Fluke : urghhh whatever just do what you want i have a date

Boun : okay bye have fun

Without wasting any second boun text Prem and after a few minutes he got a massage from Prem

-in text-

Boun : Hey! I'm that boy , the one that mess with you the other day

Prem : oh you? What do you want if you want to pick a fight with me today I'm not interested pls go somewhere else

Boun : no no i just want to say that I'm sorry....

Prem : and i don't forgive you.

Boun : pls I'll do anything! Just forgive me!

Prem : Anything?

Boun : yes!

Prem : alright then , you have to listen and do everything i told you for 5 weeks

Boun : 5 WEEKS!? hell nah

Prem : then i won't forgive you.

Boun : fine! 5 week then

Prem : goodboy .

Boun : okay and what's your name?

Prem : it's Prem.

Boun : okay Prem , let's meet tomorrow .

Prem : sure , when and where ?

Boun : I'm gonna tell you tomorrow just share your home location .

Prem : okay then bye

Boun : Bye!

"Fuhhh thank god , but I'll be his maid for 5 damn weeks!! " Boun sigh . " But it's better ig " Boun smile .

--> tomorrow

Boun pick up Prem and they both go to the beach .

Prem look at boun then ask " why are we here? "

Boun just say " oh come on stop asking and let's just- " he push Prem in the water . " AHAHAHHAA" Boun laugh looking at Prem that still in shock.

Prem look at Boun and shout " wtf boun , i don't bring any extra close you idiot! What am I suppose to wear now huh!? " .

Boun just laugh and say " BAHAHA just don't wear any clothes then "

boun smile  and then *bush* Prem Pull boun in the water, the both are wet . Boun just laugh and they start playing in water .

Boun then hug Prem from the back and throw him into the water . They had a really good day .

After playing boun take towel from his car . He put the towels on Prem head then dry Prem hair . Prem blush by boun action .

Boun just smile knowing Prem is blushing then say " you're cute " .

Prem then blush harder bc of boun . " Fuck u " he say . " When? " Boun ask. " You pervert! " Prem say pushing boun .

Boun just laugh and they both get home after that.

Okay so I'm sorry that i make this late- and pls excuse my grammar I'm not fluent in English .

If there's something wrong with this I'm sorry bc i didn't read it again .

Sorry again bye! And have a nice day darling! <3

𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒚♡︎ (𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎)Where stories live. Discover now