the skirt boy

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The next day

Boun pov

" Omfg im late again " boun say screaming in his room .

He ran to school as fast as he can .

*In class*

" NOPPANUT GUNTACHAI!!! " - Mrs Tamia scream

" Y-yes mrs tamia? " Boun say knowing he fuck up so bad . This is the 7 time he come late to class

" Clean up the bathroom "

" Again!? Pls Mrs Tamia I'm really sorry i won't do it again pls not the bathroom "

" Cleaning the whole school sounded nice . "

" N-no i will clean the bathroom hahaha...."

" Go to your chair . "

"Okay" boun say going to his chair

After the class finish he go to the bathroom

*In bathroom*

He just want to wash his face but then he hear sobbing noice from one of the bathroom. He go to the bathroom and surprisingly the door wasn't locked. He saw a boy crying , he's shirtless but not naked .

Boun : hey what happen!?
? : Are you here to hurt me too? Pls don't . *Start to cry*
Boun :hey I'm not , I'm here to help you . Pls don't cry because idk how to comfort people .

The boy look up and stare at boun , and then say " I'm new here , i just want to go to take a shit when some boy come and say i take his gf , he beat the shit out of me and take my clothes so i can't get out. "

Boun think it must be one of those shitty guy (the school bully) . " Ohh wait here I'm gonna take my extra clothes from locker if i find some , if not well I'm gonna ask someone else " boun say .

"Okay" the boy say sobbing , he sit there waiting for boun. He wash the blood from his body . And then he hear someone open the bathroom door , "it must be that guy " and he's right it's boun .

" Okay so... there's no boy clothes , you gotta wear this skirt and yk- uhm " boun say while giving him the clothes .

" Better than nothing ig . " He say and then just go change his clothes .

He come out of Bathroom wearing full girl uniform . Boun can't help but laugh



Boun : you should be grateful yk , btw what's your name ?

? : Just call me Yan .

Boun : okay Yan you should go to the school nurse because I'm fucking late to class .

Yan : oh someone like you go to class?

Boun : whatever and wait *boun take out his rubber band

Yan: wtf- NO

Boun tie his hair

*Like that , btw hyunjin is so freaking cute omg*

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*Like that , btw hyunjin is so freaking cute omg*

Boun : don't take it out okay? Now let's go

Yan just do what boun say and they both get out from the bathroom , boun run to his class and Yan go to the school nurse . Everyone was looking at him and laughing and some of them taking pictures .

Little did he know that people post his photo on their school insta page with captions "skirt boy" .


Ok so this skirt boy is the side character , he didn't end up with boun ofc. He's kinda the important people in this story okeh . This chapter kinda boring tbh and I'm not fluent in English so excuse my grammar. Okay bye!

𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒚♡︎ (𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎)Where stories live. Discover now