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In the first week , Prem keep ordered boun to do many things.

Example like
-wash his jacket
-do his homework
-buy him lunch
-send him home
And many more

Only in the first week , boun almost die! He almost die bc of tiredness.


"Here's your fucking food!" Boun say giving Prem his food .

Prem just look at him and say " Thank you slave and why you didn't eat? It almost time to go to class "

" That's the last food okay? I don't know why everyone in this school is a zombie " boun say


"What?" Boun ask confused by Prem sudden action

"I'm not hungry just fucking take this" he say and go to class

Boun was left dumbfounded . He's confused as fuck but eat it anyway.


Skip after 5 weeks ---> (I'm lazy sorry)

" FINALFUCKINGLY !!! IM FREE !!! " boun say happy . His 5 weeks deal with Prem finally over !

" Damn bro congrats , but won't you miss him ? " Dean ask boun

Boun were silent for a few sec and say " nope , I'm free from being his slaves so i don't care anymore "

"Uh-huh sure , you didn't see him one day and you already act like a monkey that escape from zoo . "

"Shut it dean . " Boun say smacking dean head

" Ouch man! "

"Btw let's go to bar today , I'm gonna celebrate this! "

" Damn you really need to do this?*
"You coming or not?"
"I'm coming krubb"
"Alright see you bro "


Hehe sorry if this is boring , its been a long time since i write some story bc i have no motivation rn pls . ,😍

And excuse my grammar thank you.

𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝑩𝒐𝒚♡︎ (𝑩𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒎)Where stories live. Discover now