《Chapter 3》

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Wang Yibo's POV

After the cute male, whose name turned out to be Xiao Zhan finished bandaging my wound that the Karen had caused, he once again apologized for the nth time.

"It's fine, but I heard your son's name being Suo'er?" Xiao Zhan's eyes widened as he nodded, his eyes sparkling like stars.

"Yes, his name is Suo'er." A soft smile appeared on Xiao Zhan's face as my heart blossomed at that sight.

"It probably sounds weird, but did by any chance your son call the 911 call centre today?" Xiao Zhan backed a little bit away, his eyes round.

"H-How did you know?" I rubbed the back of my neck, muttering under my breath, "the world is indeed a small place."

"Daddy! That is the bad uncle, saying Suo'er didn't love daddy! HMPF!" Xiao Zhan turned around, and I watched Suo'er walking towards us on his tiny legs, a pout adorning his lips.

I bit back a laugh as Suo'er walked quicker to me, hitting me on my leg, "meanie uncle!"

"Suo'er!" Xiao Zhan said, picking his son up as he pinched his nose.

"But daddy~" Xiao Zhan shushed the kid as he apologized to me again.

"No, it's fine, Xiao Zhan. I am actually the dispatcher your son was talking to this afternoon. He told me to help him with his math problems, since you, well-"

Xiao Zhan groaned, his cheeks reddening as he buried his head against Suo'er.

"Suo'er, why do you have to embarrass daddy so much!" Suo'er giggled, clapping his tiny hands.

"Daddy is bad at math~" a laugh escaped my mouth.

"And why is that so?" I teased Suo'er, pinching his cheeks as he pouted, rubbing his cheek.

"I asked daddy what 1+1 is; daddy said that if we would have one Suo'er and add one more Suo'er, how many Suo'er's daddy would have. But daddy only can have one Suo'er, and that's me!" Suo'er pouted, crossing his arms as he nudged his father who's whole head turned into a tomato and refused to look at me.

"Zhan ge, you really asked him that?" Xiao Zhan looked up; into my eyes, pouting just like Suo'er and I laughed.

"Suo'er wants to go down~" Suo'er started to use his little feet to hit around until Xiao Zhan placed him on the ground, and he quickly ran to Lily, who was passing two cups of tea, one for me and one for Zhan.

Suo'er tugged at her pant, and Lily looked down, smiling before picking him up; the scene warmed my heart.

"You and Lily?" Xiao Zhan turned his attention back to me, raising an eyebrow while he took a sip of his water.

"Lily and me?" A giggle erupted from Suo'er.

"I mean-" I rubbed my neck, "well, the two of you are a cute couple."

And now my face was wet.

Xiao Zhan spewed his water out of his mouth onto my face, and I wiped my face with my sleeve.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" Xiao Zhan helped me clean my face with a paper as Suo'er giggled louder, "bad uncle is wet~".

A voice shushed Suo'er as I remembered this morning's event.

My eyes locked with Xiao Zhan again, "this has been the second time today." Zhan frowned, looking even cuter.

"Wait- Was that you this morning!?" I nodded with a grin.

"Oh my- I didn't have my contact lenses in this morning, and I have terrible eyesight; I am so sorry!"

"How many times did I ask you to stop apologizing, Zhan ge?"

"Sorry~" he pouted.

I laughed, taking a sip of my tea as Zhan motioned for me to sit down on one of the tables.

When I sat down, Suo'er came running to me, a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other, "uncle, uncle, help Suo'er with math!" I smiled.

"But Suo'er said I was a bad uncle?" Suo'er pouted, wriggling himself into a seat next to me, placing his head against my arm.

"Uncle, not bad, now pleawseeee help Suo'er." Xiao Zhan leaned over the table, pinching Suo'er's nose, who winched, hugging my arm.

"I think he likes you, Wang Yibo. Suo'er isn't an easy kid, but once he likes someone, he won't let them go, ever again." I looked up, right into Lily's emerald eyes as she smiled, patting Suo'er's head.

Lily leaned forwards, close to my ear, as she whispered, "but hurt Xiao Zhan or Suo'er and I will find you, and make sure you regret being born."

She smiled at me as she left our table to help the customers who had just come in.

A shiver ran down my spine as she composed herself so quickly.

"She threatened you, didn't she?" I nodded, still in a daze.

"She has a cold demeanour, but when you get to know her, she's really nice, right, Suo'er?" Suo'er clapped his hand, nodding.

"Lily Jie Jie nice!"

And so the next few hours flew by as I helped Suo'er with his math; the next moment, I looked down on my watch, I realized how late it was.

My eyes travelled around and fell on Suo'er again.

"Suo'er?" The kid looked up at me, his big doe eyes twinkling.

He indeed had some features of Xiao Zhan, but none of Lily.

"Who is your mommy?" Suo'er frowned, putting his thumb in his mouth.

"Daddy is Suo'er's mommy!" I raised an eyebrow, wanting to question further when someone was leaning over me, behind me.

"Suo'er! What did daddy tell you?" Suo'er pouted as I didn't want to turn around, knowing that way, I would collide with Zhan ge.

"Daddy said Suo'er shouldn't put Suo'er's thumb into Suo'er's mouth?" I giggled, hiding it behind my hand as Xiao Zhan poked me in the shoulder.

"Come here, Suo'er." Xiao Zhan stretched his arms to pick up Suo'er, but he refused, crossing his tiny arms with a pout.

"I want Yibo ge ge!" Xiao Zhan took a step backwards as I turned to look at him, and he was frowning and pouting just like Suo'er.

Like father like son.

Word count: 1026 words 

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