《Chapter 9》

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Wang Yibo's POV

"Yibo?" I hummed.

"Do you know we had met before and were classmates, even close friends?" I smirked; of course, I knew.

"So you knew that all this time!" Zhan hit my shoulder playfully as I smiled, recalling my first meeting with Zhan; many years ago.

"Please introduce yourself," the teacher said, lazily walking back to his desk as I looked at the class.

All the eyes were fixated on me as I sighed; I hated introductions.

"I am Wang Yibo," I said, looking into the eyes of a boy.

"I don't like talking to people," I continued, and the boy looked back at me, smiling softly.

"So don't bother me." The boy frowned, looking cute like a lost bunny.

"Otherwise." I held my breath, detaching my eyes from the boy and letting it wander around the class before ending up with the same boy again.

"It hurts when I hit you," I finished, taking my bag and settling down next to the boy.

No one said a word, and the teacher stared with an open mouth at me.

The class was quiet, although I heard the soft grinning of the boy next to me.

Xiao Zhan.

"You looked so cold, Lao Wang, like you were seriously going to hit me on when I tried to introduce myself." I laughed, picking up Suo'er, who had put his thumb in his mouth again.

"How could I ever hurt, Lao Xiao; you were the only student that caught my attention. The others were so noisy." Xiao Zhan smiled, poking my side as we stepped on the field, watching the bright lights and laughter washing over us.

"This reminds me of the festivals in Chongqing so much; I miss my parents too; perhaps we could visit them this weekend or next week." I choked on my saliva, meeting Zhan ge's parents!

Oh no!

I was doomed.

Suo'er, on the other hand, seemed brightly happy a the mentioning of his grandparents.

"Are we gonna see granny and grandpa?" Zhan laughed, pinching Suo'er's nose, "soon, baobao."

I dashed to a shop market that was selling candies, Suo'er still in my arms; as I glanced behind me, I saw Xiao Zhan struggling to get to me through the crowd of people, a frown on his face.

"Yibo, if you do that one more time, I promise to scream that you are a kidnapper taking my kid. You're so mean~" Zhan whined, pulling at my sleeve as I laughed.

"Yibo ge ge, a kidnapper?" Suo'er said, nibbling his thumb as Xiao Zhan scolded him.

"Suo'er doesn't put your thumb in your mouth, and yes, Yibo ge ge is a bad guy." I smiled.

"Yibo ge ge bad like math?" I bit back a laugh as Xiao Zhan sighed.

"Aish, you two share one brain cell," Xiao Zhan said, smacking my head.

"Suo'er, do you want some of this candy?" I pointed at the sugar painting of a little bunny.

"Yibo~ Suo'er shouldn't eat so much candy this late." I turned around, putting up my puppy eyes with Suo'er as we pleaded together, "please~?"

"Who's the kid here now?" I exchanged a look with Suo'er.


"Zhan ge!"

The three of us laughed as the shopkeeper looked at us, "may I have the sugar paintings of this bunny?" I pointed at it as the lady smiled, nodding as she started her work.

Suo'er watched fascinated, and so did Xiao Zhan.

And really, the two of them looked just alike.

When the lady got done, and I paid, I passed the first one to Zhan ge and received a whine from Suo'er, so the second one went to Suo'er before I took the last.

We walked around, looking at the shops, here and there buying some stuff for Suo'er and some additional food since we were going to visit Zhan ge's parents.

When it was getting later, and the sky really went dark, everyone was getting ready with lanterns.

I watched Zhan, who stared at the lanterns ready to set off any minute.

"Yibo, why are you looking at me? Look at the lanterns they are going to set off!" Zhan pointed, and Suo'er gasped, but I smiled, responding in a whispering voice.

"Why should I look at the lanterns when there is an even better view next to me being offered for my eyes," I teased, and Zhan huffed, poking my cheek with a cheeky smile.

The sky above us got enlightened by the lights of many different lanterns and their paintings.

Suo'er made grabby hands as Zhan smiled, taking him over from me since my arms were sore at this point; not that I minded it.

"It's a beautiful sight, isn't it?" A voice spoke behind us as I let out a squeak.

The lady from a few days ago!

The photographer whose name got lost in my memories.

"I am Xuan Lu, remember?" She pointed at the camera hanging around her neck with a smile.

"Ahh, what a coincidence, a small world we live in indeed," Zhan mumbled.

"Could I take a photo of the three of you?" I looked at Zhan, who nodded, and I stood behind him, ready to take the picture when Suo'er started whining.

"Suo'er wants to be in the middle~" I moved a little to let him between us, and I gave Xiao Zhan a little tap on the shoulder, crouching down, and he followed my move.

We smiled at the camera as Xuan Lu shot the picture that immediately developed.

Xiao Zhan went towards her to look at the picture, abandoning Suo'er and me, so I held on to Suo'er's hand approaching them.

"It really looks magical! Here, and have fun~". We thanked Xuan Lu as she smiled, walking off again.

"Zhan ge?" He hummed, holding the picture in his hand.

"Should we make a wish?" Xiao Zhan let out a huff but smiled, nodding as he closed his eyes, and I stared at him.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, looking bewildered at me.

"Why didn't you make a wish, Yibo?" He said, taking Suo'er over from me, who was staring around with his big round doe eyes.

"I don't need to make a wish when my wish already became my reality." Zhan frowned.

"How do you mean," a tiny jealous undertone got heard as he poked my cheek.

"Well, if I would make a wish, I would wish you to be my lover, but since we're already lovers, what more can I wish for, hm?" Zhan pouted as I intertwined our hands.

"What wish did you make, Zhan ge?" I put a finger under his chin, making him look me into the eyes while a blush formed on his face and spread quicker than wildfire.

"If daddy would tell you, daddy's wish won't become daddy's reality," Suo'er stuck ou his tongue towards me as I groaned, having lost from a kid.

Xiao Zhan fell into a fit of endless laughter.

I was hopelessly in love, definitely.

Word count: 1177 words 

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