《Chapter 11》

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Suo'er's POV

Daddy is talking to granny as I placed my head against Yibo ge ge's chest.

Yibo ge ge's heart went badum badum badum.

Yibo ge ge was warm and held me tightly; I liked Yibo ge ge very much.

Yibo ge ge made daddy happy and daddy makes Suo'er happy, and when Suo'er is happy, everyone is happy, yeeey~!

"Suo'er?" I turned to granny, her usual scent lingering around her as she extended her hands; I looked at Yibo ge ge, who patted my head, encouraging me.

"Since when does my naughty baby needs to ask someone else permission before hugging granny, ha, Suo'er?" I smiled at granny, placing my head into her warm crook.

"Yibo ge ge is warm when hugging Suo'er!" I threw my hands around granny's neck; she smelled nice, like cookies, granny always does.

"Come come, let's sit down and eat." Daddy gave the white bag of food to grandpa, who smiled at me, and I smiled back, extending my hands, wanting to hug grandpa, but he turned away from me.

I pouted.

"Haha~ Grandpa will be back in a moment to hug you, Suo'er," grandma said as I looked up at her.

"Mom~ You two always spoil Suo'er too much, at home he doesn't want to walk on his own legs anymore because you two have spoiled him so much, aiyah~" daddy complained as I giggled.

"Is that true, Suo'er?" Granny looked at me, bumping her nose against mine as she held me in the air.

I dangled my feet, giggling, "no, granny~ Daddy is lying!" 

Grandma was so tall, "will Suo'er grow tall too?" Everyone laughed as I pouted, not understanding why they were laughing.

Grandma put me down, tickling my stomach as I laughed, trying to turn and twist away from her.

"Of course, Suo'er will grow tall, taller than your daddy even!" I shook my head at Yibo ge ge's words.

"Suo'er doesn't want to grow taller than daddy; Suo'er wants to remain small! So daddy can forever hold Suo'er!" They all laughed at me once again as we sat down.

Granny gave me a place next to her as she started talking to daddy and Yibo ge ge, ignoring me.

I fiddled around with granny's phone, bored, grandma had many bling bling on her phone, too much for Suo'er's liking.

Suddenly, Yibo ge ge stood up, and I looked up, unable to see who Yibo ge ge was bowing.

"Granny~" she finally gave me some attention as I clapped into my hands, starting to talk.

"Did granny miss Suo'er? Suo'er missed granny badly," I said, waving with my hand, "but Suo'er came today because Suo'er wants to share a story with grandma, you know granny, yesterday at noon daddy, Suo'er, and Yibo ge ge were eating. Suo'er was very good at eating meat by himself; then I heard Yibo ge ge say, "baobao, let's try this one," so Suo'er quickly stopped eating, opened my mouth and waited for a spoon full of meat. Suo'er raised my head and opened my mouth, waiting for Yibo ge ge. But Suo'er waited and waited for half a day, but Yibo ge ge didn't give Suo'er food! Yibo ge ge gave it to baba! And Suo'er thought that Yibo ge ge called "baoabao" is calling Suo'er! Hmpf! So Suo'er just continued to eat meat, ah~". Granny laughed as daddy smudged my mouth with his hand.

I looked daddy in the eyes, blinking as daddy was red.

"Dwaddyyy~ W-why ish ywour fwca wred?" Daddy looked at me, pouting.

"Zhan Zhan, let your son speak, remove your hand," granny said, and I heard a cough; looking up, I saw Yibo ge ge just as read as daddy.

"Granny, why are Yibo ge ge and daddy red? Are Yibo ge ge and daddy sick? Grandma always says Suo'er is red when Suo'er is sick." I looked worryingly at grandma.

"No, Yibo ge ge and your daddy aren't sick baobao, don't worry." My grandpa patted my head, stretching his ar out to hug me.

"Grandpa, don't call Suo'er baobao, Yibo ge ge calls daddy already baobao." I pouted as I heard laughter around me again.

Grandpa placed me down next to grandma again, and suddenly I saw lots of food in front of me.

Grandma picked up a spoon and held it in front of me, "grandma, Suo'er can feed myself; Suo'er is very good at it, ah~. You see, Suo'er is very cool, am I?"

"Suo'er is the best," granny said, kissing me on the forehead as I took the spoon, feeding myself.

"Gwandma, dwid ywou know twhat Daddy, and Ywiboo ge ge are lwovers?" I said, munching on the meat.

"Suo'er don't speak with a full mouth," daddy said, his face hidden behind his hands, as I nodded.

"And who told Suo'er that Yibo ge ge and your daddy are lovers?" Grandma continued asking, looking at daddy as I rubbed my full belly.

"Yibo ge ge and daddy were doing kissy kissy, and auntie said that only lovers do kissy kissy. Yibo ge ge also said that daddy and I aren't lovers; it first made Suo'er cry because Yibo ge ge said a lover is someone you love, and it can only be one person. And if Yibo ge ge and daddy are lovers, then daddy won't love Suo'er anymore. Then auntie explained daddy does love Suo'er but differently, a father-son love." Grandma threw her head backwards, laughing as I frowned, yawning.

"Awhh, Suo'er, of course, your daddy loves you, and otherwise just call grandma and grandpa, and we'll take you in, Suo'er." I pouted and grandma's words.

"But Suo'er wants to stay with daddy and Yibo ge ge." My eyes started to tear at the thought of having to leave Yibo ge ge and daddy.

"Aiyaa, baobao, you don't need to leave your daddy and Yibo ge ge, don't cry," grandpa said, squeezing my cheek.

"Grandpaaaa~ I am Suo'er, baobao is daddy!" Laughter again.

I yawned, stretching my arms, wait- why were my arms so much shorter than Yibo ge ge's and daddy's?

I pouted.

"Is Suo'er tired?" I shook my head, my eyes falling a little close.

Someone picked me up, holding me close, and I heard a badum badum badum.

It was probably Yibo ge ge, Yibo ge ge was the only one whose heart raced this quickly with badum badum badum badum.

Word count: 1080 words 


LAMMEEEEEEEEE, ikkkkk, sorrrryy, hahaha~

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