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Wang Yibo's POV

I stared into the mirror, adjusting the white bow as my hand started sweating. All the nerves suddenly built up.

My heart pounded like a drum inside my ear as I stared at my reflection. Never in a thousand years would I have imagined the day I would see myself in a suit for a wedding if not for friends.

Who knew I would be the first to get married among my friends?

"Dada?" I turned around, placing a soothing hand on my heart as my eyes widened at seeing Suo'er running into my cabin in a suit.

I immediately crouched down and opened my arms for Suo'er as he ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"DADA!" I smiled as Suo'er giggled, pulling at my hair.

"Suo'er, don't!" I watched Zhan ge's mom approach quickly, trying to get Suo'er to stop messing my hair up, but the more she tried, the more Suo'er pulled.

"Aunty, it's okay," I said, patting Suo'er's back.

Zhan ge's mom raised an eyebrow, "Yibo, my boy, how many times have I told you to just call me ma, especially after today."

I smiled, nodding, "Yes, ma." She smiled warmly, the kind of smile only a mother could give.

As I bent a little through my knees, she didn't hesitate as she reached her hand out to pat my hair.

"I can't believe your papa, in the end, still found himself a good man, huh, Suo'er." I watched her pull at Suo'er's cheek, who, in turn, pouted, turning away from Zhan ge's mom to hide in the crook of my neck.

"I'm lucky to have Zhan ge in my life, ma. I can't imagine how my life would've been without him and this little dumpling," I said, rubbing soothing circles on Suo'er's back while he whined quietly.

"It's like you two got made for each other; you're like puzzle pieces fitting right together," she said, a soft smile on her face, and I couldn't help but mirror her, my heart finally pounding a little less loud.

"It isn't always a picture-perfect life. There have been a lot of occasions where Zhan ge and I have fought, but the key is communication. We wouldn't want the little dumpling to get upset just because we fought; isn't that right, Suo'er?" I raised Suo'er in the air, putting his nose close to mine.

Suo'er immediately started whining because he lost the warmth of my body but also nuzzled his nose against mine, "Dada!"

"Suo'er is not really vocal today, hm?" I rubbed my finger against Suo'er's cheek before placing him on my chest again, his heart on mine, and Suo'er closed his eyes again, all calm.

"He has barely been sleeping these days; he's been running on adrenaline, and now it's catching up with him." I nodded, rubbing Suo'er's back as I knew he was dozing off, and I moved to the corner of the room where the chair was, carefully sitting down.

"Please tell me I am not the only one being nervous, ma?" She giggled, shaking her head, and although she was in her late sixties, she still looked young, the lines in her face only adorning her features.

She had white streaks of hair running through the black ones, but no matter what, her eyes carried a youthfulness I couldn't describe.

"Even though your parents are accompanying Zhan Zhan, I am sure he is just as nervous; it's a big day for the two of you, after all. And to imagine this day actually happening." She sat down opposite me.

"How did you know I was the one for Zhan ge ma?" She smiled, looking through the window at the wedding venue.

"It's in the way you look at Suo'er; you don't see him as an attachment of Zhan Zhan, but as a person himself, and even before you knew he was adopted, you already took him in as one of your own, that's what Lily and Shi Ling told me. Not many can do that, young man," Zhan ge's mom said, her eyes returning to me as she winked.

How to get your daddy a lover《Yizhan》Where stories live. Discover now