Welcome back Ashy_boy!

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~•Ash's pov•~

I woke up slightly earlier than usual today, since I timed my alarm clock at the wrong timing. Anyways, I went to the bathroom and took off my Pyjamas, To see my left arm bandaged. I hopped into the shower and got fresh. 15 minutes later, Once I was done, I changed my bandages with new ones.

After I got all ready, I remembered the Riolu I saved earlier. So I decided to go check on them {since I don't know what's their gender.} I woke up Pikachu and excited the dorm making the least noise possible. Once I reached the infirmary, I greeted N.J. "Good morning, Nurse Joy, I came here to check up on the Riolu I gave you earlier" I said. "Oh, good morning to you too Ash, and I will go get her now, she's fully healed!" She? So she's a female then. 

After a couple of minutes, Nurse Joy came back with Riolu between her arms. "There she is!" Stated the rose haird nurse. "Rio, Riolu!" Exclaimed Riolu before jumping on me. "Hey, little one.." I greeted. Riolu Started nuzzling on my cheeks and Pikach's. "H..hey, that tickles!" I said between giggls. "Rio, Riolu, lo!" Said Riolu while pointing on one of the poke balls on my belt. "Ya want me to catch you?!" I asked, to which Riolu nodded at.

I took out a pokeball and gently tapped it on Riolu's head capturing her. "Welcome to the family.." I whispered while tipping the pokeball on my forehead. "Congrats!" Exclaimed Nurse Joy. "Thank you!" I answered back. "I should be heading to class now." I added. "Yeah, take care, and dont do Anything reckless!" She joked, to which I chuckled at. I waved my hand as in goodbye and left to class.

I enterd English class, and everyone was staring at me. Man, that's very annoying. "Welcome back, Ash. I'm happy that you're alright." Greeted Prof. Rowan. "Thank you professor." I answered back. "And dont worry, we only read yesterday." He said. I nodded. 

~☆Time skip: Lunchtime☆~

As usual, we paid for our lunch, and exited the cafeteria. We sat under the cherry tree and started talking and eating. "So guys, did you heare the rumours about the forest near Lumious beach?" Asked May. "No, what do they say?" Questioned Gary. "I've heared that people who enter there got turned into pokemon!" Cried out May. Gary, Paul and Drew started snickering. "Seriously?" Said Paul sarcastically. "Hey, that could be true!" Exclaimed Dawn. The gang continued arguing. Me on the other hand, was far too busy reading a Demon slayer manga

~•Serena's pov•~

"Ash, dont you think that it might be true?!" Yelled Misty. We all turned our heads towards Ash. We saw him resting his back on the tree, while having a foot over the other. He was reading a manga. *giggle* Typical Ash! "Ash, what the actual F are you reading?!" Exclaimed Gary. Ash seemed to be completely ignoring Gary. "Ashy_boy, look at me when I am talking to ya!" Shouted Gary before squeezing Ash's left arm. Suddenly Ash Yelped in pain and dropped what he was reading.

"Bro, wtf?!" Ash screamed. "D..dude, what's wrong with you?" Stuttered out Gary. "This is where I got hit you idiot!" Ash exclaimed. "Oh, s..sorry hehe." Apologiesed Gary. Ash just sighed in frustration. "What were you guys all yapping about?" He said with one of the scariest voices we ever heard.

"Well, if you were listening, you would have known!" Fired back Paul. Well, goodbye Paul! "I beg your pardon?.." Said Ash. Man, we gotta do something. "A..Ash, come on, d..don't do anything stupid! Please, for me!" I begged. Ash looked at me, and he seemed to calm down. "Tch, whatever.." He muttered before continuing reading his manga. "Dude, you seriously need to stop hanging out with Paul!" Exclaimed Shauna. "Hey, am here ya know!". We all laughed. "So, how about we go to that forest and check it out!?" Asked Gary. Well agreed but Ash, {he was still reading lol} I guess I'll tell him on our way to class.

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