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Peters pov

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Peters pov

'Today is going to be different' I thought to myself. I'm gonna go to school and not think about it. I also have to make sure I don't loose my favourite knife.( I bring my knife everywhere. You don't know if your gonna need it) After I escaped , HYDRA has been looking none stop for their 'special' weapon. I do remember there was one other person or should I say 'weapon' they were looking for but that's all in bits and pieces at the back of my brain.

I look at the clock and see its 6am so I have 2 hours to get to school or I'm going to be late. I never really cared if I was late to school. I mean I am the smartest person at that school. I don't even know why I still go It's just a waste of my time and It puts me in a lot of danger. Walking there and back from school every Monday to Friday puts me out in the open for HYDRA to just grab. But It also keeps me entertained.

I take a shower and make breakfast. Pretty boring right. Well there isn't much what I can do in the morning. I live in a small apartment that has one bedroom, one bathroom, a small kitchen that is attached to the living room. I live on the second floor, middle apartment. Not bad for a 17 year old kid who lost both parents in a plane crash and the only family left due to HYDRA.

Once I'm done with breakfast I put the dish in the sink and go get ready for school. I pick out a black simple top with black jeans and a black jacket with black trainers.( like everyday). I check the time to see It's 10 past 7 and my walk to school takes half an hour so I decide to clean my knifes.

Time skip 20 minutes 

After I cleaned all my knifes I check the time to see It's half past 7 now. I grab all my stuff for school and head out. I make sure I have my knife and the door is locked. I already know I'm going to be late as I always walk slowly to enjoy the fresh air I never had whilst I was in HYDRA. The only time I got fresh air was on missions or when they made me run around the base 4 times for my punishment.

It's now 10 past 8 and I'm late for my fist class. I walk in and everyone turns to look at me. "Your late" I hear the teacher say. I just roll my eyes and go to the back of the class to sit down. After 20 minutes of sitting and doing nothing the teacher calls on me to answer the question( I swear she despises me ). " Peter since you where late to my lesson answer the question" I write the answer down on a piece of paper and show it to the teacher. " using words" I swear to god this teacher. I just pack up all my stuff and leave.

Once I left the class I just went to the bathroom to cool down. The only thing that cools me down is playing with my knifes so I pulled it out and started doing the knife flip I always did. After a minute I cooled down but decided too stay there until my next lesson  which was in half an hour .

My next lesson was science which was my best and favourite subject. The only good subject about school apart from maths which is also one of my best subjects. I love P.E but showing it at school will expose my secret. I remembered that today we are going to be 'learning' how to fight. Well I already know how to fight so what's the point. I might as well just skip. But I don't know yet. I mean it is my last lesson of the day which is in 6 hours.

Time skip 20 minutes 


I have about 10 minutes left till my next lesson. I don't really want to go anymore but I know I have to.  Ever since I escaped I haven't really had any motivation and pushing myself is now a key part of my routine. Depression is like a kidnapper keeping you hostage in your own mind. The memories from the time I was in HYDRA are unbearable and I feel like I'm back where I was 12 years ago. 'Don't think about it peter' I keep repeating to myself. ' your fine your not back there' 'just  don't drive yourself into a panic attack' 'your safe'. 5 minutes great. I'm a mess and I have lessons. Oh crap. I look into the mirror and all I see are red puffy eyes and tear marks on my face. " Just two more minutes" I say to myself quietly. In HYDRA we weren't aloud to talk unless we where asked to and that was literally never. So I got used to it and haven't talked since. Only when I was a leader of a mission or when I had a partner I had to talk with.

It's now 5 past 9 and I'm late to my lesson. These thoughts keep me trapped and I loose time. I get up grab my stuff and head to my science class. Luckily my science teacher is nice and she loves me even if I don't talk. I walk in and everyone stares at me. " Hey Peter. Sit down and open to page 21. I'll talk to you in a second". I just nod and sit down. After 2 minutes, the teacher comes over to me. " I just want to know why you were late." I grab a piece of paper and wrote ' lost track of time. sorry.' "It's fine. Just wanted to know." The teacher than walks away .

The class just goes normally with everyone doing work and Peter not talking.

Avoid the past - PeterxBuckyWhere stories live. Discover now