The Talk

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Bucky's pov

After Tony showed us how smart Peter is I finally decided to talk to him. I do remember this one boy when I was in HYDRA. Not fun times. All I can remember about him is that he had unbelievable fighting skills and he loved using his knifes. Although, he never talked unless he needed to and always followed rules. Not once had he broken the rules. I wonder why. Actually I already know why. HYDRA is a piece of shit. Both of them look alike now that I think about it. 'I need to talk to him'. That was my last thought before I got up and started walking out.

'He is most definitely in the lab with Tony' I thought to myself. As I push open the doors to the stairs, I stop for a minute. 'I don't even know what I'm gonna say'. I then start to walk down the stairs. After a minute or two, going through what I'm gonna say in my head, I get to the lab but stop before I go through the glass doors. 

As I was about to walk in Tony walks out, "Hey what are you doing here?" He asks. "Uhm... I wanted to talk with him." I reply. " okay. good luck with that. He hasn't spoken to me since he got here so he's probably not gonna talk to you." He says and starts walking away. "okay" I whisper. 

I walk in to the lab to see Peter planning out a design for something. "Hey" I say which draws his attention to me pretty quickly. He just looks at me and doesn't say anything. 'okay so he doesn't talk. Just like Tony said.' I thought to myself. " So I wanted to talk to you about something" I say after a bit of silence.

Peter's pov

"So I wanted to talk to you about something." Bucky says. ' What could he possibly talk to me about. Also why me, there's a bunch of people upstairs to talk to. Why does he want to talk to me.' I decided to be nice for once which is a huge change for me cause I'm never nice. Although there is something. It's just a feeling but it's like I know him from somewhere. But like I said It's just a feeling. Snapping out of my thoughts, I shrug my shoulder's and turn my chair back around as he takes a seat next to me. I just carry on the design I was working.

 I've got to admit he is kinda hot. I mean his eyes are a beautiful ocean blue, you could spend hours staring into them and easily loose track of time. 'What the hell peter. Don't think about him like that. You just met him. Alright clear thoughts, clear thoughts, clear thoughts.' I thought to myself. 'You know what. Lets just focus on this design.' Following that thought, I focus on the design and completely ignoring Bucky, who still hasn't said a word, as if he wasn't in the room.  After a minute of sitting in silence , I grab an empty piece of paper and decide to break the silence. 'Ok. What do you need to talk about?' I write and slide the paper to him. He reads it and says, " I wanted to get to know you." ' But why.' I reply by writing. " Well we are gonna see you a lot and not know anything about you. So I wanna get to know you." He shortly replied.


I'm so sorry I didn't update the story  for the past couple of weeks as Christmas and new years came I was extremely busy and these past two weeks I had exams and homework at the same time so I had no free time. 

But anyways enjoy this part of the story. The conversation between Bucky and Peter will be in the next part. Also hope you enjoyed the part where Peter called Bucky hot. I mean who wouldn't. He's extremely fit. 

Definitely not me simping hard on a fictional character. But don't we all. Am I right?

I also thought about how I'm gonna balance school, my free time and this story and came to a conclusion  that I'm gonna try and write a part either Saturday or Sunday. I would also like to hear your guys' opinions and thoughts or any ideas you would like me to add into this story. I might be able to squeeze some of your guys' ideas but no promises as I already got the next few parts planed out. If you have any ideas you would like to see in this story please comment them in the comment section. 

But thank you for the support and enjoy the story so far.

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