Getting to know me

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Peter's pov:

I never understood why someone wanted to get to know me. Nobody ever talked to me unless it was necessary. Plus I never let them or I just ignored them. But this time it was different. It's like I want to talk to him. I want to let him in but the thing is I just met him. I was taught to never tell anybody who I am or what I'm like. But I'm free now and I can do what the hell I want.

The one thing that I don't get is why haven't I spoken yet. HYDRA doesn't have control over me anymore and I want to but I'm too used to it. How about I try. Let's try to talk to him and if I feel uncomfortable then I'll stop. Alright Peter it's not that hard. 'Let's do it.' " Okay what do you wanna know?" I say breaking the silence.

Bucky's pov:

"Okay what do you wanna know?" I hear him say. 'OMFG. He just spoke to me ' I thought to myself. "Wait a minute did you just speak to me." I said which made him look at me. "Yeah, I mean you seam nice and probably the only person I'm going to talk to here" he reply's and turned back to the design. "So are you going to ask me anything or are you just going to sit there all shocked." he added.

"Why so impatient, anyways what do you like to do?" I ask him. "First of all, I'm not impatient, second off all you are the one who wants to get to know me. And to answer your question, I have no clue. I love science and maths but other than that I'm pretty boring." he answers.

" "- Peter

' '- Bucky

'Hmm, okay well what about your age?' I say. 

"18" he reply's without looking at me. 

'Alright favourite colour?'

"Red, white and black. Can't decide on one." 

' Okay, favourite movie?'

 "ummmm,  don't have one. I can never choose one."  

'Same, it's hard to pick a favourite movie'

"Right, but now it's my turn to ask a question."

'okay, fine'

"Alright, fav avenger and you can't say yourself."

' Probably, Nat and Wanda. No offence to the others but these two are the coolest.'

"I thought you where going to say Steve, I mean you are best friends."

'Don't get me wrong, he is my best friend but he is boring.'

Both of us laugh slightly. ' God he has a nice laugh' I tough to myself

Peter's pov:



"Your laugh- it's cute" I say as I turn my head sideways to look at him with a small smile. 

'Thanks' he reply's with a small smile. 'What are you working on anyways'

"oh a couple designs for the avengers suits. They need new weapons and programming to be installed. So I'm doing a design for each of you to fit your stile, strength, height and flexibility."

' tell me about mine.'

"nah ah, it's a surprise."

'oh common'


'fine, but I will see it before you make my suit upgrades'

"No you will not because it's going to be somewhere you won't be able to find."

'I'm determined'

"alright let's make a bet, if you find the designs and I mean all of them then I'll give you an extra weapon and 50 bucks but if you don't then you have to get me a black and gold knife and 50 bucks. Deal?" I say and turn to him.


And with that Bucky left and I finish the last part off Wanda's suit. I get up and look around to where I can hide the designs. "aha" 'The ceiling. It's high enough and a perfect hiding spot.' Following that thought I hid the papers in the ceiling and call it a day.


And here is another part. yay. I'm so tired but the next part will be Friday to Sunday.

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