Chapter 5

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When they awoke the next morning, Aster was keen to push onward. It took a few stern words and rough shakes, but she had managed to disturb Levi fully enough to wake him. He had grumbled, and mumbled a few crass words under his breath, though ultimately, he did as commanded. The fact of the matter was that he needed her, at least temporarily, and thus he would have to abide by her schedule. Typically, he would be used to waking in the early hours, but the past few days had completely worn him out. Even after beginning their near hundred-mile trek, he was feeling the weight of his fatigue in his muscles. What he wouldn't give for a soft bed and a warm meal that someone else had prepared.

The walk was silent, aside from the chipper tune of songbirds and the occasional flicker of brush from scurrying animals. Neither of them bothered to make small talk, which was actually a relief they both shared. Levi was terrible at making idle prattle, and Aster had all but abandoned friendly conversation. In that sense, they had matched up perfectly.

Minutes dragged on into hours, and it had been well past noon when the silence was broken by a shrill shriek. The sound startled them from their quiet daze and Levi felt the hairs on his arms stand erect. In moments, the screams had intensified, the utter pain and horror an unmistakable cry for help. Levi looked to Aster, and she knew what it was he was searching for in her expression. Despite his hinting gaze, he was left downtrodden with her lack of sympathy. She had made no gesture of solace, no indication that she had any intention of offering aid. And so, Levi took off in a heated sprint, leaving Aster annoyed and bewildered by his act of stupidity.

In the heat of the moment, Levi had forgotten about his lack of magical ability, acting on impulse rather than wit. During times of rational thought, he knew better than to act recklessly, but somehow, the needs of others had always outweighed his own need for survival. In the moment, when push came to shove, he couldn't resist the call for help. Call it a fatal flaw, or an act of selflessness, but it was his response to fight.

As he charged into the thicket, he was met with the abhorrent figure of a homunculus-type creature. Its legs were elongated, shoulders hunched in an eerily deformed manner. Below the dragging belly of the onyx beast was a pool of blood, and the unfortunate soul to have crossed its path. At the scene, the remembrance of his faded lifeblood came to his reckoning. Even with that realization, his pace did not flounder. Rather, he drew a small dagger from the depths of his satchel. The closer he came, the more distinct the smell of blood became. The metallic scent swarmed his senses, so much so that he could almost taste the iron. When Levi was within a few yards, the beast had caught wind of him. Turning the length of its oblong head, it opened its toothy jaws to release a snarl. Not quite an animal, though, not quite human either. The noise was ghastly, and it was clear that he was apt to attack. In moments it had discarded its victim in order to lunge towards Leviathan, whom it saw as a much fresher and suitable meal. Its elongated legs, though fast, moved awkwardly due to their rough bends. It looked as though it was shambling, but at a speed that even Levi was surprised by.

Levi tensed as the creature approached, preparing for the moment its body would be on his. It took only seconds, which the beast had managed to leap the last yard towards him, effectively catching Levi's shoulders with the tips of its claws. The two stumbled backward, falling into the sod and leaves and rolling several feet from their encounter. Levi had managed to grapple his way out of its grasp, just long enough to scathe its stubbled cheek with his blade. The creature howled though made no motion to retreat. Instead, it brought itself up on its hind legs, rearing its misshapen head and letting out an ear-shattering screech. With alarming force, it threw itself again at Levi's body, this time with jaw unhinged and fangs protruding from its decaying gums. A quick roll to the side and Levi had managed to escape it. He was back on his feet in milliseconds, before dodging a second attack that came as quickly as the first. This happened in succession until he spotted an opening, pushing forward off his heels with his dagger presented outward. A rip was heard as the dagger tore flesh from the creature's neck. Though it bled and harped in excruciating pain, the damage was not near sufficient enough to thwart its assault. In fact, it seemed to only drive the beast into a further crazed state, its reptilian eyes widening with adrenaline and survival instincts.

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