Chapter 19

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The shop was more like a hovel. It was dingy and grimy, to say the least, with vines crawling up the sides with a vice-like grip. The chips and cracks in the terracotta made the building look like it would fall if any bit of wind would hit it. There were no windows, either, so Levi could not peek in to prepare himself for what lay within. Instead, he had to walk in blind, and he took a deep breath as he pushed past the wooden door.

The lights were dim, a stark contrast from the blaring sheen of the sunlight outside. Levi had to wait for his eyes to adjust until the dusty, ill-lit store was fully visible. Unlike the carefully placed items in Montera's shop in Polis, this one was in complete disarray. Items were scattered across walled shelves half-hazard, large shields and weapons were strewn across the floor beneath them. Many of the blades, Levi noticed, were still stained with blood, the owner not bothering to polish them. That said, the owner, who was sunken into a wooden chair with her feet on the counter and an arm over her eyes, didn't seem to notice when Levi entered. By the steady, rhythmic breathing of her chest, he knew she was sleeping. It seemed an inappropriate time, but it was not Levi's concern and so he let the thought slip away. Instead, he made a soft clearing of his throat, hoping to wake her without a startle. When that didn't work, Levi coughed loudly. She stirred, though only for a moment, before drifting back into whatever machinations her dreams held for her. As polite as he was trying to be, there was only so much time Levi was willing to waste in his endeavor. So, with a rough voice, he spoke.

"Excuse me."

This seemed to do the trick. The woman let out a muffled grumble, dragging her arm away from her hooded eyes. She lingered there a moment, as though trying to let the sleep evaporate, before finally prying her green eyes open to look at him. There was a look of annoyance on her face, which was not hidden when the corners of her black-painted lips curled downward.

"What?" she responded, her voice deeper than Levi was anticipating. It was coarse, much like her appearance, and held the underlying tone of resentment.

"I was wondering if you could help me out with something," Levi asked, approaching the counter when the woman made no motion to move.

Instead, she puffed out her chest, tensing her shoulders back until the upper portion of her spine cracked audibly. A satisfied sigh left her mouth before she straightened out, putting her boots to the floor and leaning against the counter on her elbows. "That depends..." she began, her voice bored. "Whatcha' lookin' for?"

"I'm looking for a woman."

"Me too, pal," she chimed in, taking Levi back for a moment. Realizing the quip she had made, he hurried onward.

"No. No. A woman probably came by here within the last couple of days. Her name was Aster. Long brown hair. Sword at her hip. A real spitfire of a personality. Ring any bells?"

The woman let out a toothy grin, her eyes glinting in recognition. "Oh, yeah. Hot stuff was here just yesterday." She sat a little straighter now, her interest suddenly piqued. She brushed a hand over her shoulder-length hair, the choppy ends swaying and caressing her shoulders.

Levi was stunned at her bold admittance to Aster's appearance. Sure, she was attractive. Hell, he would even admit that she had been the most eye-catching woman he had ever remembered laying eyes on, but he was never so brazen as to say it the way this woman had. Besides being crass, it seemed an insult to Aster's overall experience.

"She was a little spit-fuck, I'll tell ya' that," the woman continued, though her voice was free of anger. She seemed almost amused. "Ain't met a soul alive who had her ambition or her guts. She damn near tore my whole shop to the ground. I mean, hell, I've always been messy, but look at this shit show we're standing in."

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