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Hello our most beautiful readers! 

First things first, we would like to wish you all a beautiful and most happy Christmas! It's our pleasure and absolute honor to bring you this MEGA collab, with the talent of nine separate authors. Each one of these people worked for the  two long months and completed their personal spin on a chosen prompt!

 From the bottom of our hearts, we all thank you dearly for the support and love that keeps us going! We hope you thoroughly enjoy our collaboration, and the best of Christmas and New Years! 

With much love and Christmas wishes,

~ WeirdestArrow

~ Germanyv2


~ Yonderblu

~ MynameAppleUWU

~ Pinky


1: ( WeirdestArrow ) 

"Can you three please help?" 






"All of you suck I want out of your region." New Jersey said as he struggled out of the Christmas lights he had somehow gotten stuck in. The rest of the Mid-Atlantic region, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New York, watched this sight with amusement. 

"We don't want you in it, so that's a win-win situation for us." New York said, New Jersey scowled and glared at him, before struggling with the lights again. For a second it looked like he was going to be successful, but then New Jersey lost his balance and fell over.

The states, excluding New Jersey, burst out laughing at the site.

"I hate you all." New Jersey muttered, blushing with embarrassment.

"We know." Pennsylvania said as she took a picture of New Jersey.

"This is the best Christmas gift I could have ever gotten." New York said.

"I'm going to kill you Yorkie. Just give me a second to get out of this." New Jersey said as he continued his struggle to get free.

"I'll start running in fear." New York deadpanned as he began recording New Jersey.

"Send me that video." Delaware whispered to New York, who nodded.

"Delete that video!" New Jersey yelled, probably a bit louder than necessary. The yell caught the attention of Maryland, who walked over to the group.

"What are you doing?" Maryland asked, walking up to the Mid-Atlantic. 

"Watching NJ make a fool of himself." Pennsylvania responded. Maryland stared at New Jersey in confusion.

"How on earth did you manage to do that?" She asked. New Jersey scowled.

"Don't ask." 

"And why have none of you helped him?" Maryland asked the other Mid-Atlantic states.

"We hate him."

"It's funny watching him struggle."

"I want to see if he can get himself out of the mess he got himself into."

"Fair enough." Maryland before turning back to New Jersey.

"Can you help me?" He asked. Maryland smiled and sat down.

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