🇫🇷☁️Late Nights.☁️🇬🇧

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" Are you sure you're alright...? I just... I don't know, you've been acting weird these past few days..." Canada sat across the large oak table, his hands folded worriedly in his lap as his mother say across the table staring down at her crystal glass. He tapped his fingers uncomfortably on the table, watching with a quiet stare. The French woman sat as if she were dead, swirling the scarlet wine within her cup, oblivious to her son trying to catch her attention. Another few seconds passed and Canada cursed under his breath, standing up from his chair and waving a hand in front of his mother's face.

"Hellooooo-? Maman?" Canada raised his eyebrow, his frown deepening. He could obviously tell something was wrong, judging by how perplexed and tired France looked. A small clock on the other side of the room ticked on rhythm, adding to the Canadian's anxiety as he sat quietly, rubbing his sweaty palms. Something was off with his mom. She had been acting strangely for the past few days and even America, who was too mad to see straight, started to notice after she had lost a very special real gold necklace from her Revolution.
He knew everyone was prone to a slip-up once in a while but this was more than just a slip-up for his mother of all people. He swore that she would kill someone if they tried to do something as much as touch that necklace.

"Maman...what's going on? Please tell me, we're all worried!" Canada sighed, placing his hand on his mother's shoulders. France flinched slightly at his touch, her wine jumping from the glass, splattering against the table. " Oh my.. I'm sorry Canada, I just..." the female shook her head, placing the glass down on the table and staring blankly at the mess she had made.

"It's alright! I'll clean up the mess!" Canada rushed over to grab the satin napkin on his plate and wipe down the alcohol that started to drip onto the floor. France let out an exhausted sigh, running a hand through her tangled and knotted chocolate brown hair. She looked around the empty room for a few seconds, not remembering how she had even got there in the first place but knowing that it was late and she was tired.

"Now..," Canada took a seat on the wooden chair beside her, "Tell me everything... I'm listening! You have to explain what's happening to me or Aussie swears he's going to interrogate you with his spider. I know how you are with that thing..." the country chuckled lightly, gazing into France's weary plum eyes with suspicion.

" Yeah...Australia...There's nothing wrong my dear, I suppose I'm just tired. I had quite a long day and... I just need to sleep." she yawned, fighting the dull feeling in the back of her neck. Canada tilted his head slightly, a compassionate smile blooming on his face.

"Are you really that tired? I feel like there's something more to this...You're not usually this tired, are you feeling ill?" France crossed her arms, seemingly offended that he would say such a thing. Canada knew this was going to be a challenge, he knew where America got his stubbornness from now.

" I'm...I'm fine...Just...It's just—" she sniffed quietly, rubbing her eyes with fatigue. The Canadian across the table shifted uncomfortably and eyed her worriedly. "Do you want to go to the doctor? I could call dad if you need it, you know he would come home if he knew you were ill. Heck, he wouldn't even leave your side if you were sick. Remember that time you caught the measles and he refused to go anywhere? Let's just call him, maybe it will help you with...this." Canada waved his hand in a vague shape around France and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, unlocking the home screen with a click.

France's eyes widened slightly as she snapped to attention and waved her hands in the air, almost frantic. Canada looked up slightly, his face twisted in confusion "No, no, let's just leave your father alone. I wouldn't want to bother him at this ungodly time and I'm sure he's working on something important. I don't want to be a burden to him. Really, dear, I'm fine, I swear. Just...I—" she stopped to sneeze, rubbing her nose gingerly. Her son was clearly not convinced.

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