🇬🇱🥀Frosted Hearts ( Part One )🥀🇦🇶

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Hello everyone! I was cleaning out my google docs and pulled out this beauty from a good two years ago! This is the scrapped first two chapters of ' Frosted Hearts ' a Greenland x Antarctica book that I was planning on doing for a good while! Please keep in mind this is the raw writing and hasn't been edited so I hope it doesn't sound terrible!!!

Somewhere around 71.7069° N, 42.6043° W

A fierce cold wind spiraled across the land, the snow accompanying it in its sacred dance. The air was bitterly cold as a light fog settled over the various mountains and houses that decorated the landscape. The deathly silence lingered in the air, as Greenland took a step onto the frozen grass that lay beneath the snow. Taking a deep sigh, he breathed out his breath visible in the cold morning air.

" Green , hey Greenland " His name echoed off the surroundings making the country sign. " What Denmark? " Green responded less than amused, rolling his eyes. " It's too early to have to deal with you " Green once again responded, watching the country make his way up the large hill slipping on the ice. " Hey - Hey Green do you know sign language? " Denmark asked completely out of breath. " Yes , why does it matter? " Green scoffed, kicking a rock down the side of the hill.

" Well, I just met someone who speaks it and was wondering if you could show me how to, You know, put it to good use " Denmark smiled, his breathing back to normal. '' Denmark when will you learn that I don't want to do shit with you. Just leave me the hell alone. "

Green turned around, pissed from just talking. " But Green.... It's only this one time. It would be very kind of you. " Denmark pleaded as he adjusted his hat that was barely hanging onto his head. " Why don't you understand Denmark. I have enough crap to deal with in my own life, so leave me the hell alone before I make you." Green responded gritting his teeth, holding the rage barley inside.

"Okay .. okay ... seeya green " Denmark's smile faded as they turned around heading down the hill. " Jesus " the country turned around pulling out a cigarette accompanied by a lighter. Watching the lighter spark, he lit the cigarette breathing it in. He had enough to deal with , he didn't need more problems then he already had.

Problems had seemed to seep into every part of him , leaving him blind. Blind to everything. All the countless attempts to get rid of everything had always led back to the same path. Another that he desperately wanted to take. One that would end it all for good. He had nothing left to live for anyway. This world has no mercy. Every soul that doesn't fight is devoured into darkness , an unavoidable fate.

Green was on the verge of giving in. But something kept him trapped here in this world. Flinging the cigarette to the ground , he crushed it before making his way down the dirt path. Every step Green took felt like he was being suffocated by his own conscience. Shaking it off as always, he had reached a small dock placed at the edge of the island. It was littered with small boats and various fishermen and people alike.

People who took everything for granted. Always and forever. That was what had left scars. Greed and granted, the two things that led to worse. Scars that are always visible to the naked eye. Green knew more than others. He had more than one scar, physically and mentally.

Green had been alone all his life. No parents , no siblings and no friends. Nothing . Denmark was all he had and left, but Denmark was good at getting beneath his skin. Green had to understand to accept it over time, but still the pain could be seen in his eyes. Green had learned to mask it as well as he could. All the pain , all the feelings , all the greed , he had learned to hide. Something that lingered in his mind, constantly trying to show itself in any way.

Finally, it had succeeded. A small crack in his skin that resided by his left eye. An inky black darkness that seemed to take it's toll, quickly turning his left eye black. It was a warning , a symbol of pain and misery. You can't run from your problems forever, they ALWAYS seem to find a way out. Green once again covered it up, but in a different way. Using an eyepatch, he masked the inner torment that had finally taken it's first blow. It didn't do much, but it could cover it and that was all that mattered. Covering and forgetting.

Snapping back to reality, All of a sudden Green felt his eye sting from what he had just done. " Damn it. '' he muttered as he felt his hands beginning to shake from the miserable state of his mind. Taking a deep breath, Green closed his eyes shut, trying to rest his uneasiness.

Sitting down on a nearby rock, Green covered up his eye as he was afraid of it dripping or stinging more. It was hell here. The constant battle for sleep , no one there to support you , no one there for you, and no one to hold in your arms . Everything had always ended bad one way or another. There was no "Inbetween " . Letting out a long sigh, Green placed his eye patch back into it's prominent spot. He winced a little bit before standing up. The day had only just begun.

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