Mikasa's pov - I step out of the shower and hear a rock being thrown at my window. 'What?' I ask in a seductive tone. 'I knew you would be still in your towel, you have 3 minutes to get ready if you want a ride.' Eren says. 'We both know I will be ready' 'I am timing you' He says back with a wink. I quickly get dressed and run to his car. Eren and I go wayyyyyyyy back. Our parents became friends in yoga class, bought houses together. But then, Eren's parents started fighting alot, he would often ask me to sleep at my place. Like this we got very close and became best friends. I was there for him when things were rough for him and he was there for me when my dad died. Annie and Armin transferred to our school in 8th grade and we all became instant friends. They both definitely had feelings for each other. Annie used to say me and Eren did too, but we were always friends. And that's all we will ever be.....right? We made it through the first slot, although I almost fell asleep. I go to my locker and meet Annie there. 'Are you going to Sasha's party?' she asks. 'Yess, I was just texting you about it' Suddenly, Armin comes from behind and tries to scare her. 'Hey Armin' Annie says with a smirk 'Shoot I almost got you' Armin says shyly 'How about you try again at the party' 'You bet' He says with a wink and goes to her locker. 'Holy flirting' I say with a chuckle. Annie and Armin's relationship was always this cute. 'But are you guys-?' 'I think I am into Armin again' say what now. 'Wtf, but do you remember how hard it was when you both broke up, us four never met together.' 'Yeah, I know but we both weren't ready for a relationship at that time, I am sure this time it'll go well. We both are more mature. She says with her puppy dog eyes. 'Alright go get him' I say with a wink. Annie and Armin were meant to be together. They were just perfect. I shipped them alot. 'But for that we are going to need super cute costumes' Annie loved the optimistic side of me. 'Yess meet me at the lockers after school and let's go shopping.'
After school - I go and meet up Annie but Eren shoots from behind. 'Mikasa, what are you wearing to the party' 'What are you wearing?' 'I asked first' he says a bit annoyed but on board for an argument. Me and him always had these small arguments. 'You'll just have to wait and see' I say with a wink. 'Classic, it's always the cat and mouse chase with you' 'Just keeping things interesting' I say with a chuckle. 'Well, I can't wait to see what it is' he says and waves us off. Me and Annie go to the store to buy an outfit. I end up wearing a black casual dress
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and Annie ends up wearing a pink dress
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Me and Annie enter the party and find the boys. 'Wow Mikasa you look to good for this party, you're gonna have everyone drool after you.' Eren says while flirting with me. 'Not everyone, but definitely you.' I flirt back. He is quite shocked with my reply and goes to get us some soda. I search for Annie and find Armin and Hailey kissing. Today is going to end up in a disaster...