Back in Burial Mounds

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Hello there, here's the second chapter of this book. And...I have nothing to say so here it comes !

Chapter 2 :        Back in Burial Mounds

If one word could describe Lan SiZhui's state right at this moment, it would be "stunned". That's it, he thought : he was too stunned to even wonder why he came back to this place, or what he was looking at.

The Wei WuXian in front of him seemed... younger ? Also, in a much poorer physical state. He wore a different kind of black robe, and his hair was half-tied half-down by his red ribbon. What was more, he was looking at Lan SiZhui with tears rolling down his cheeks. And, finally, he was at a totally different height !

Wei WuXian sweeped off his tears and smiled to Lan SiZhui :

- A-Yuan ? You didn't answer yet. Were you missioned by your aunt to transmit a message for me ? Or are you here because you missed your Xian-gege ? Oh, A-Yuan, Xian-gege is so sorry he wasn't with you when you woke up !

Lan Sizhui's eyes widen in chock. Was his senior messing with him ? Again ? Heck, Lan SiZhui just caught him crying in a supposed to be forbidden place, just when he awakened from a traumatic event, and there was Wei Wuxian treating him like a little kid ! He didn't know what to think anymore. Was that... all a dream ? Then why did Wei Wuxian looked so sad only a second ago ?

What had really happened to them ?

Wei WuXian suddenly looked taken aback, and he started panicking :

- A-Yuan, my A-Yuan, why are you crying ! What happened ? Did someone bully you ? Oh my god, is it my fault !?

Only then did Lan SiZhui realised he was indeed crying, feeling the cold tears on his cheeks. Next thing he knew, he was already floating in the air, held below his arms by his senior who was trying his best to understand the situation.

- Ah... !

Lan SiZhui finally understood why Wei WuXian seemed so tall, why all looked so gigantic around him. It was him ! Him who shrunk back to a kid form ! Not knowing what to do with the information, he gazed at Wei Wuxian, who was still holding him above himself and dripping with worry. one more question came to his mind. Why wasn't Wei WuXian commenting on it ? Lan SiZhui really didn't know what to believe. Was the incident real ? Was HanGuang-Jun really dead ? And wasn't Wei WuXian all bloody only a minute ago ? And who was he talking about, when mentioning his aunt ? The only woman he could qualifie as a aunt, he knew her only from his senior's stories...

Lan SiZhui wasn't sure he wanted to understand anymore. But he did know now, what was the question to ask.

When was he, exactly ?

Just the idea of time traveling made him flinch. And only that was enough to make Wei WuXian shriek :

- WEN QING !!!!!! HELP !!!!

Lan SiZhui's ears were still ringing from the scream when footsteps could already be heard in the cave. Soon after, a young woman with long brown air and dark  eyes appeared next to them. She wore white robes, with red sun motifs. And no matter how much how Lan SiZhui turned it over and over in his mind, it still was the perfect description of the Wen outfit he studied in Cloud Recesses classes.

- Wei WuXian, what's the matter ? Wait ! Did you make A-Yuan cry ?

And now she looked pretty mad. But Wei WuXian seemed used to it as he argued, almost indignated :

- It's not me ! Or maybe it is ? I really don't know, Wen Qing ! Please help me, right now !

And Wen Qing, more worried than mad, accepted to believe him. She delicately transfered Lan SiZhui from Wei WuXian's grip to her own arms, and she asked with a sweet voice :

- What is it, A-Yuan ? Why are you crying ? Do you miss your parents ? Tell me, please. You know you can trust me, right ?

This woman was Wen Qing. The one his senior always called Qing-Jie. And she was dead. Or so she was supposed to be. Lan SiZhui still had some difficulty to accept he was that young again. Did that mean he could see Wen Ning there ? However, right now, he only wished to stay in his senior's embrace, not wanting to let go. What if, suddenly, Wei WuXian disappeared when he wasn't next to him ? The thought itself was enough to make him cry even harder. He was abandoned once in a tree only knowing he forgot the loving cultivator who let him live alone, and he saw his two fathers being destroyed right in front of him less than an hour ago. He would not allow them to leave him again, even though only one of the both was there with him.

-No ! he cried, and Wen Qing frowned.

- What, "no" ? What do you mean by no ?

Without giving her an answer, Lan SiZhui debated himself to the point she was obligated to let him go. The moment his feet touched the ground, the now toddler ran back to Wei WuXian and hugged his leg. The two adults shared a glance, not knowing what was up to him. They had the feeling they should just go along with what the kid wanted, so Wei WuXian let him hug his leg. Even more, he knelt down to pat the boy's head, humming a calming song. And not any song.

The song.

Lan SiZhui's cries toned down as he listened to his fathers' love song. It really was him, after all. He was not dreaming.Then, was all the rest just a nightmare ? No, impossible, if it was he wouldn't be able to think straight like an adult. But what could have caused the time travel ? What happened the moment before he was transported back ? He remembered being blinded by a bright light coming from behind... How could he be blind from a light coming from behind ?

He had no time to think anymore about it as Wei WuXian freed himself from his embrace and put his hands on Lan SiZhui's shoulders. He held a gentle gaze toward Lan SiZhui, with a still worried smile, when he questioned with a low and conforting voice :

- A-Yuan, do you mind telling Xian-gege why you were crying ?

In an instant, Lan SiZhui knew. Telling Wei WuXian the truth was not an option. Admitting he believed him, his senior would probably kill himself to prevent everything to fall in ruins. Lan SiZhui couldn't afford that, never. So, he took a decision.

- A-Yuan had a very, very bad dream, Wen Yuan admitted, no looking at his parent figure in the eyes. It was a dream where Xian-gege let me all alone just like daddy and mommy. You won't go away, right ? Xian-gege ?

Wei WuXian caressed his cheeks before taking him into his arms, a hand stroking his hair and another one shakily rubbing his back, and the chin on his head. He whispered while closing his eyes, not wanting to imagine what Wen Yuan could have felt, because he already knew it too well :

- I promise, something like that won't happen. Ever. Xian-gege will stay with you until the end of your life, so do not worry anymore. Don't be sad anymore. I will always be here, I will. I will remain, by your side...

Lan SiZhui couldn't tell the truth. He would lie. Until he find a way to fix everything. Wen Yuan closed his eyes and listened to Wei WuXian gentle whispers with nostalgia, melancolia, and a bit of warm deep inside. That was where he dug the words Wei WuXian was telling him, his promise to stay.

Deep inside.

So, how was it ? What do you think? I'll guess we'll see each other soon, so good bye, good day and, till next time !

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