your little girl

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Your little girl isn't so little anymore.

She's not that set little innocent

blonde girl running around laughing.

You didn't know what was going on inside my head.

You didn't see me slowly ripping

myself to shreds.

You didn't notice how I stopped smiling

as often,

how I was hiding from the world.

You didn't see me crying all those nights

because I was alone.

You didn't see the hell

I was putting myself through!

You didn't see my fighting to stay alive!

To go on another day!

You didn't see me forcing myself to breath

when I wanted nothing more than to die!

All you saw was the sweet little girl

without a care in the world!

You stopped paying attention to your

little girl!

Those puffy pink lines that begin to cover

her precious skin!

You don't see how your beautiful girl

can't look at herself in the mirror

without wanting to throw up!

How all she sees are flawed and mistakes!

Your little girl can't imagine anyone can

love her because she's not with enough!

She can't imagine anyone looking at her

and seeing beauty!

Oh your precious little girl.

Your beloved daughter.


I can't love myself,

Let alone have someone else love me.

I can't stand the look of my

naked body.

I can't stand myself!

But you don't see it!

You can't bring yourself down

from you perfect world!

You can't see me suffocating

in all these masks I wear!

You don't see me pinching my body!

Wishing the fat away!

You don't see me MOM!

You CAN'T see me!

To you, I'm just your perfect little girl!

But in reality,

I'm the farthest from it!

Why don't you see that!?

Why don't you see ME!?!

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