Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - The Bothersome Baby


L a d y & t h e T r a m p


It was a couple days passed since the day Lady got her licence and the two elderly men, Charles and Samual were now stood in front of (Y/n)'s porch. "Lassie! Lassie!" Samual called out happily for the young girl.

"Oh! Miss (Y/n)! Ma'am! Miss Lady!" Charles followed after with drawled out words and a dopey smile of his features.

They both headed around the corner with their dogs, hearing them bark out for Lady, when they got no response. Samuel walked through with his walling stick knocking on the bricked garden path as he passed by blue and purple lavender beds.

As he turned the corner near the greenhouse he saw (Y/n) sat in the grass with Lady, a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of her nose and a book resting in her hands.

"Ah! Good morning, Lassie. 'Tis a bonnie, braw, bright day..." However, Samual stopped his speech and couldn't help but notice the furrow in her in between her eyebrows and small scowl. Behined him came Charles, who went and sat beside her.

"Why, Miss (Y/n). Is something wrong?" Charles questioned in worry. The last time he saw her this down was when she came back home with a low score on literature, which ended up with Charles and Samual sitting her down in the garden with a pot of tea and homemade treats cooked by Samual and his wife.

"Aye, tell us Lassie. If somebody's been mistreating you..." Samual began pushing up his sleeves and waving around his cane going into hysterics. Charles pushing the cane down back the ground from where he was sat.

"No, Sam... It's something I've done, I guess." (Y/n) placed her book down, closing it and leaning on her hands, that were placed behined her and fixing her dollie shoes that were beside her on.

"You?" Charles asked quietly in slight disbelief. Sure (Y/n) never really enjoyed making friends when she was a little younger and always relied on books, which made her appear quite stubborn and haughty some days. But he knew she never really meant any harm because she may have appeared like that but if you took a chance to talk to her you would see she was quite charming.

"Must be." She quickly replied tucking her legs back under her skirt as best she could to ward off the chilled breeze of spring. With her reading glasses now off she continued on with her reasoning. "Mother and Father are acting so..." She was cut off as she heard her mothers humming in the window and they all looked up as Lady rested in (Y/n)s lap doing the same.

Her mother, Darling, placed a clay pot filled with bright pink and pale pink roses and pulled off an older clay pot with small engraved handprints. Inside the old pot was a messily planted yellow rose and along the bottom of the pot read (Y/n)s name misspelled in small letters and navy blue paint. It was the first thing (Y/n) had ever brought back from school and her parents adored it. Or so she thought... 'why are they taking it down?' She thought confused. 'It could be she's putting it in the green house.' She nodded to herself.

"Jim Dear and Darling?" Charles answered in question looking back down at the girl.

"Hush, Lad." Samual hushed him up as quietly as possible, nodding his head up to the window and lead (Y/n) besides the greenhouse. Charles stood there for a moment listening to the hum before his faced dawned into one of realisation.

"Now, Lassie, get on with the details." Samual whispered placing his case against the greenhouse wall.

"Well, I first noticed it the other day when my father arrived home from work."

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