Chapter Four

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Chapter Four - Alleyway saviours & romance


L a d y & t h e T r a m p


It all started when Aunt Sarah and (Y/n) found the living room torn to shreds and Lady laying there in the mess. Her two Siamese cats played innocent their slotted eyes bearing forced waterworks as Aunt Sarah quickly pulled them up into her arms.

(Y/n) ran towards Lady and coddled her as best she could. "Oh, no Lady your okay now I've got you." She whispered in a comforting manner as the dog let out a whimper. The girl ignored her Aunts yelp at first not really caring for the bitter hag.

However, her ignorance could only be short lived as her Aunt snatched the innocent dog out of her hands as well as promptly knocking her earlier knelt niece over.

"That reckless dog! Attacking my poor innocent angels! I want a muzzle on that hound immediately!" Aunt Sarah screeched her voice like nails grating on a chalk board. She placed her cats in their basket Lady still hanging dangerously in her arm.

(Y/n)'s body shot up as she grabbed Lady out of her grip. "I don't think so you rotten old woman. It was those stupid little felines of yours, I mean look at the claw marks on the curtain. Does that look like a dogs claw to yo?- " The girl was interrupted by an ion grip of her left arm, her body tugged towards her Aunt.

"How dare you speak to me in that way you brat. We are getting a muzzle on your mutt and if you say one word against it again I'll get one for you too." Her voice shrill yet threatening as her grip tightened. She placed her purse in her hand and let go. "Now let's go."


Aunt Sarah held Y/n by her arm in a way that to others may appear gentle but in reality felt as if her circulation was being cut short as a warning not to say anything.
Y/n looked down cautiously at Lady as they went through the doors of the pet shop making sure to place her hand on Lady's head causing her knuckles to scrape against the wooden door frame. She hissed slightly glancing at her now irritated knuckles but knew not to comment on it when her Aunt had slightly tightened her grip.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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