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It was a dark and cloudy late spring night. The grassy plains were still green and soft, opposed to in the summertime, where they would be orange and spiky. It had been a rainy day in the kingdom, so the grass was also a tiny bit moist. But currently, the weather was calm and warm, with only a light breeze. The five kingdoms were savouring the last of the spring rains, it was the last day of May, after all. It was very early morning, still a few hours until sunrise. Nemilos stood on top of his temple, glaring at the shifting clouds. The moonlight weakly shone through them, just enough to dimly light the kingdom. Nemilos then sprinted down, retreating to the kingdom's Spirit Stone. This was where the leaders would call their kingdom to make an announcement. He let out a high-pitched cackle-like sound, grabbing the attention of his packmates. After a few seconds, African wild dogs started emerging from the shadows of the great temple. At last, dozens of wild dogs gathered at the Spirit Stone.

This kingdom was gathering as many members as they could to conquer the rest of the kingdoms, and they already had about six times the pack members of any other kingdom. The dogs may have been weak, but not with the power of numbers.

"My kingdom," Nemilos started. "at last, I believe it is time for our plan to begin. We've been gathering pack members for years now, and it is time. It is time we begin conquering the other kingdoms. The idiots have no idea we're coming, it's perfect. We start with the weakest kingdom, the pathetic animals who sacrificed strength or stamina for speed. We will be raiding the cheetahs tomorrow night, so everyone, get ready. Train. Practice your skills. You will need them. Now, who agrees with this plan?" Yips and cackles of approval rose from the crowd, causing a smirk to form on Nemilos's dark, scarred face. However one African wild dog padded slowly through the crowd. This dog had scars all over him, and even a missing eye.

"My king, this is a dangerous act, a very dangerous act. I believe we should wait, so we don't risk getting hurt." This wild dog was named Wanzeru, he was the wisest of the pack, as well as the oldest. The other wild dogs looked at each other, sharing mutters of fear and uncertainty.

"Silence!" Nemilos snarled. There was now nothing to be heard except the peaceful sound of the night. "Wanzeru, surely this can't be right. We shall let the gods decide this for us; Wanzeru, rest. See if the gods tell you otherwise." The old African wild dog nodded and padded back into the temple. Nemilos turned his head back to the other dogs. "Kingdom dismissed."

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