Chapter 3 A Noble Queen

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The cheetahs, who had now been walking for a day and a night, chatted and comforted each other as they wandered through the desert. Suddenly, the voices were silenced when Hadataal froze. Audaz and the other cheetahs were very confused, until they spotted three hyenas wandering through the dunes in the near distance; but these were not any three hyenas, the queen was walking with two of her clan members. This was queen Agapi. She was a beautiful white hyena, with a majestic, golden mane, tail, muzzle, ear tips, spots, and beautiful sapphire blue eyes. But as beautiful as she was, she was also very dangerous; she was a hyena, after all. The strongest animal in all kingdoms, besides the lion. The coalition stayed still, not moving a muscle. But as soon as the three hyenas reached the top of the dune, they saw the coalition. However, Agapi showed no sign of aggression. She just prowled closer to the cheetahs and stopped, a few bush-lengths away from the coalition. "Hello, cheetahs. My kingdom heard something happening in your camp, so we came to investigate. It sounded serious, are you all okay?" The queen's voice was gentle, but Audaz could also hear worry in her soft tone.

Hadataal bowed before speaking. "Thank you, Queen Agapi. I hate to say that our kingdom is not all right, our queen... she's gone," near the end of Hadataal's sentence, tears could be seen building up in the cheetah's eyes. "They also claimed the life of our wise cheetah, all the cubs, and many members of the kingdom. There are only about twenty out of one hundred and thirty of us left. Our kingdom is destroyed, the wild dogs betrayed the code, they're unstoppable, there are way too many of them for any of us to fight."

Agapi had a look of shock and sadness on her face. She pinned her ears onto her white pelt. "I-I'm so sorry that all of that happened. Your leader was very good and brave. You can all stay with us and our clan, we will protect you from the dogs."

Hadataal nodded, a look of respect in his violet eyes. "Thank you, Agapi, we appreciate it very much." 

"Of course, it's our pleasure." A gust of wind blew through the dunes. The hyena's golden mane flowed as she looked to the south. "Alright, follow us, it's getting windy and there might be a sandstorm." The coalition obeyed, and followed the three hyenas onto the shores of the Savanna Lakes, their beautiful kingdom.

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