Chapter 5 The Hunt

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Audaz lay on a soft pillow. The sun rose, spilling a pool of sunlight into the temple which woke Audaz. She thought she was in cheetah territory and that it was all a dream, until she lifted her head and saw various hyenas resting on the floor. She sighed, stretched, and got up. She prowled toward the entrance, careful not to wake anyone up. She stood outside and sat down, gazing upon the sunrise. A few pink clouds dotted the sky, but it was otherwise clear. Only the tiniest tip of the sun was visible at this time, but it was still light out. The temperature was coldish warm, it was the second day of June and only morning. She felt warmth on her pelt as she stood there. She thought about everything that happened and what might happen in the future. Would the wild dogs raid others' camps as well? She didn't want to think about it, she and her coalition was safe now, right? The hyenas were strong and devoted, and they were even stronger allied with the cheetahs. Audaz purred at the thought of all the kingdoms joining forces and banishing the wild dogs, however, her daydream was interrupted when she heard the voice of Ramil. "Good morning, Audaz."

Audaz turned around to see the ticked cheetah. "Good morning." She greeted.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting?" Ramil questioned.

"Sure, but where's Criniera?" She replied, as she groomed her paw.

"He's asleep. I was thinking we could thank the hyena kingdom by catching them prey." Ramil informed.

"Sure, want to hunt in the jungle? It has good hiding places." Audaz suggested.

"Yeah, let's go." Ramil agreed. The two cheetahs sprinted off to the south, to Green-Cap Jungle.

Audaz crouched behind a fern, Ramil hiding on the other side of a clearing that the cheetahs were hiding around. In that clearing, was a gazelle. Audaz waited to pounce. Sun dappled the clearing she eyed it, making the red sand very vibrant. She waited until she heard Ramil spring out of the grass. The gazelle ran, but Audaz leaped in front of it, latching her jaws onto its neck. Ramil helped bring it down.

The hunt was successful, the two cheetahs carried their trophy back to camp. When they arrived closer to the temple, they saw Agapi laying down in a sandy clearing, glaring at the morning sky. She turned her head when she noticed Audaz and Ramil. "Good morning, cheetahs. Great job with hunting." She murmured.

"Thanks, Agapi. We caught this prey for you to thank you for letting us stay here." Audaz explained.

"That is very kind, thank you." Agapi purred. The hyena stood up and prowled toward the kill. Ramil turned her head to Audaz.

"Hey, wanna go swimming?" The ticked cheetah questioned.

"Sure, let's go!" Audaz replied. The two cheetahs padded off to Acacia Springs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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