Chapter 2 Visions?

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Calor padded through a shallow pond, a pond which seemed to stretch for miles. The sky was tinted pink, similar to that of a sunset. Small blue particles floated in the air. The air was hot, but the water was cool and refreshing. Calor had no idea where he was, but he continued to walk through the shallow water. He didn't know what was beneath it, he didn't know if he was walking on air, he didn't know if he was in a submerged desert, in fact, he didn't even know if this was reality he was experiencing. The lion cub let out a small roar. It echoed through his surroundings, but there was no reply. As he walked, he slowly closed his eyes, but when he opened them, he saw the blue pond slowly turn red. He was horrified. The sky darkened until it turned black. He closed his eyes tight in fear, and when he opened them, he found himself on top of the kingdom's temple, in the Fortune Room. "They're coming! King, they're coming!" The words echoed through the kingdom, but Calor had no idea where they came from. He stepped out of the Fortune Room. It was a clear night. He stepped outside, onto the rough sandstone. He tried to find everyone, but no one was there. He found a ramp that lead back to the bottom of camp, so he slid down it.

Then, he heard an unfamiliar, frightening, voice. "Behind you." Calor turned around hesitantly, and standing behind him, but in the distance, was a dark figure, but he couldn't tell what it was, it was too far. "Get ready for a disaster in five days." It chuckled. Calor shivered, his fur on end. Then, he found himself in the Sleeping Room, but he could see morning light spilling through the curtained archway, and the sunlight also dappled the room he was in. He stood up and shook his pelt.

"Good morning, son. You slept in, your father and brother are waiting for you outside. Your father also caught a big gazelle." It was Calor's mother, Druta. But how? Was all of what he experienced just a dream? Probably. All Calor cared about at the moment was getting a good meal, but the thoughts of his dream still remained strong in his mind.

"Good morning, mom. I'll go out and see dad." Calor purred as he stretched, got up, and headed outside.

"Son, what happened? I was waiting for you for quite a while." His father questioned.

"Yeah, you took forever, thanks for making me wait so long!" His brother added.

"Sorry, I just had a really weird dream." Calor explained it all.

"That sounds very crazy and strange." His father chuckled. His father was the king. Usually he was serious, commanding, and a bit... lazy..? But he loved talking to his sons. Most of the lions were serious, and sometimes a bit rude, and a bit lazy, but Calor was different. He was adventurous and wanted to explore the whole world. And he also wanted to think more about his dream. Did it even mean anything?

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