2 - Friends

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<Add's POV>
Finally! The lunch bell! I am star-ving! I hope Ara doesn't drag me to her other friends though...

"Oi! Add, where are you going? You're sitting with me and my friends, remember?"

Well crap. Gonna have to put on my nice act. As Ara dragged me with her, I wondered what the cafeteria food would be like.

~After getting lunch~

I followed Ara to where seven other people were sitting and talking. Huh.. These must be her friends. As we approached, we heard their conversation.

"....then I said, people who die have a 0% chance of living!"

Everyone at the table bursted into laughter. I looked at Ara with a hopeful look. Ara smiled at me then cleared her throat.

"Hey guys! This is Add, he's new here and well... I'm his guide for today! Now all of you introduce yourselves!" She said, puffing her cheeks.

Everyone looked at me strangely for a split second, then a red-haired boy stood up and held his hand out.

"Yo Add! I'm Elsword Sieghart, football captain of the Velder Knights!"

I took his hand and shook it and he grinned at me yet again. Next to stand up and introduce themselves was a blonde haired girl with a...motherly smile you could call it?

"I am quite delighted to meet you Add, my name is Renalie Fairweather, but everyone calls me Rena. A known fact around school is that I'm a very loyal member of the Gardening Club..." She says, scratching her head. I smiled at her, then a purple haired girl stood up and...looked up...at me... Wow she is short. She has an awesome hair color though.

"Uh, Add was it? I'm Aisha DuMage.. I'm just your average nerd..." She says scratching her head. Elsword then playfully punched her.

"Aw, don't be so modest Ai! You're not at the top of the class AND in the cheerleader AAAND founder of the Read for Freedom program for nothing!" Wow! What an astonishing life! I thumbs-up'ed at her then a dude with a sick red streak in his long hair stood up and studied me. Damn.

"Raven Gatling. Martial arts champion. Cool to meet you." He said, sitting back down. I nodded at him then a girl with silver hair similar to mine stood up.

"U-uh, I-I'm Eve N-Nasod a-and i-it's very nice to..meet you!" She sat down, flustered. A blonde-haired dude next to her put his arm around her.

"Sorry, she's a bit shy. The Nasod family is a noble family and it's only her and her mother, she forgot to add that."

Hm.. I like this girl. I smiled at her then turned to the blonde. "And Who might you be?" I asked.

"Oh! Right, sorry. I'm Chung Seiker, and I'm an exchange student from Hamel, the capital."

Jeez, pretty fancy people here... I waved at Chung then a tiny, middle schooler looking girl with white hair stood up and hugged my legs.

"Hiiii! I'm Luciela R. Sourcream, a.k.a Lu! I like to call myself the top person in the entire school, because the Sourcreams are rulers of a faraway land!!" She said proudly.

I patted her head and asked, "Why is a seventh grader like you in high school, sweetie?"

She puffed her cheeks out. "I am NOT a middle schooler!! Everyone here thinks that, I'm a junior!" She said slightly angrily.

Elsword chuckled. "Now that we've all introduced ourselves, why don't we sit down and eat? Add, you can sit next to me."

Aisha glared at Elsword. "No, he's sitting next to me!"

"Who said you could sit next to him!?"

"Now, now guys.. Let's calm down... Add, why don't you sit next to Eve?" Rena said, scooting over so there was an empty spot next to Eve. Yes! Now is my chance to learn more about this girl! I squeezed into the seat then started to gobble up my sandwich. After we all finished eating they started asking questions about me.

"Hey, Add, do you play any sports?"

"How about clubs?"

"Do you belong to a noble family?"

"Any martial arts?"

"E-eh... Well.... I'm more into design and computer programming."

Everyone stared in silence for a second, then grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

"Great choice, Add!"

"Are you pretty good in it?"

"Computer programming is cool!"

Wow, is this what it's like to have....friends?..... I turned to Ara.

"Uh, so, what are the things you're famous for?"

Ara looked surprised I had asked, then quickly replied, "Uh, nothing really! I'm just your average high school student, heheh." Right as she said that, the lunch bell rang. Everyone wished me luck for my first day and separated for their classes.

I took a look at my schedule, and looked at Ara in dread.

My least favorite subject, Physical Education, was next. Ugh.

Okay guys sorry for the delayed update! For some reason it didn't save one time so I had to rewrite some parts. Hope you enjoyed and I will be updating my other story soon so stay tuned! ^ ^

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